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Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Hi Everyone.


Just discovered Local guides program a couple of weeks back. Would love to do this full time if ever get a chance.


Here's more about me:


Name: Aman

Location: Chandigarh, India

What do I love about being a Local Guide: I always wanted to explore the inner parts of my city and visit as many places as possible. By being a local guide I have a new motivation to keep following my passion of urban exploration.

I love to share: I love to share my reviews so that others can be helped in choosing their desired destination.

How did I hear about Local Guides: After trying to fix my office location, learned more about it and love the concept behind it.

Fun Fact About Me: I am movie buff and try to watch every movie within the same week they are released in.

Level 2

Hi All

From Indonesia, south kalimantan

Level 2


Saya dari Indonesia, asli Kalimantan ^ ^

Level 10

Re: Hi All

Hello from Lebanon

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

11700868_10155830273900444_3118916070433901017_o.jpgName: Michel Chammas

Location: Chekka, Lebanon

Position: Researcher at the Digital Humanities Center, University of Balamand, Lebanon

What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love to improve Google Maps and help the community, also I love sharing photos

How did I hear about Local Guides: From Google Maps

Fun Fact About Me: I love fun, I love life... If you want to know more about me you can follow me on Instagram @MichelChammas, on Facebook or on Twitter @MichelChammas


Level 4

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

  2. Location: Madurankuli, Puttalam District, Sri Lanka. 
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love contributing business places much. Going ahead with goal to promote my city and country on Google Maps.
  4. I love to share: Mostly I love to add business places than photos. I also give priority for Reviews for the businesses in Google Maps that may help people to understand.
  5. Level: 4

Cheers guys and Thanks to Google Maps project !!

Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

  1. Name: Oleg
  2. Location: Tallinn, Estonia
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love to help people.
  4. I love to share: I love sharing photos.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: Google : )
Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself Here

  1. Name: Sovon
  2. Location: Bongaon, India
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love being a local guide. Now its became one of my passion. I love travelling, exploring and sharing with people and Google maps just one of my favorite sharing platforms.
  4. I love to share: I love to share photos! And more details about my City to the people all around the world.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: I used to review places and upload images to Google maps. And one day I received an email from Google about Local Guides program. And I immediately Signed Up.
  6. Fun Fact About Me: Let me think! 🙂
Sovon Biswas • Level 8 • Community Moderator • Love to- Travel, Photography, Mapping • Google Fan
Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Debasish BanerjeeDebasish Banerjee

  1. Name: Debasish Banerjee
  2. Nick Name: Visma
  3. Location: Belur Math, Howrah, West Bengal
  4. Zip Code: 711202
  5. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I'm a gifted artist, not too literate as you all, can able to draw any unknown through description and also I can read any body's characteristics through face reading. Presently I'm working with Indian Army and all state Police Force as Instructor & Expert (Identikit, Human Anthropology & Criminal Psychology). Also I'm working with satellite map as a Govt authorized cartographer. Photography is my one of the passion. I very much like to interact with unknown strangers and like to listen their mental feelings in any topics. 
  6. I love to share: I love to share my snaps and experiences. Seeing how many views they get and knowing how many people they help (and the businesses too!) makes me want to keep sharing. 
  7. How did I hear about Local Guides: I listen about it from a very known Bengali news paper Anada Bazar Patrika. 
  8. Another things about me: I'm a person and have two daughters. I'm not too reach but very happy in my personal life. We four are working for each other. We haven't expectation that's why we are happy. 
  9. I want to: I want to share my experience and knowledge worldwide through several universities, but how it is possible I don't know. I want to change the wrong information as local guide in Google map. But during lac of knowledge I can't do that. So I need good guidance from all of you physically, not need any type of virtual help. 
Level 5

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

My name is Zuhair Haider

I am from Sudan living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

I like travelling.