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Level 2

Helloe Google Maps, I'm VN PRO

Helloe Google Maps, I'm VN PRO

Level 7

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

  1. Name: Daniel
  2. Location: Columbus, Ohio
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: I can help people in a new way, in a way that fits into my schedule very well, and it helps people find things they need with real honest advice. 
  4. I love to share: EVERYTHING. My life is an open book and sharing makes connections and bonds strangers into something more.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: I was doing reviews to be helpful and there it was!  
  6. Fun Fact About Me: I think it is important to be just as enthusiastic about saying positive things as negative things, so I make it a point to be sure to be humbly thankful when something is good.  I firmly believe you find in life what you look for, so if you want to find good things...... 😉
Level 1
Level 1

Re: Introduce Yourself Here - from Panama City Beach, Florida

Panama City Beach, Florida - Thomas Drive area is where I live..

1. Name: Nelson G.
2. Location: Panama City Beach, Florida - United States
3. Looking forward to adding some great content to Google Maps / Local Guides within my area of Northwest Florida.  Everybody has an experience but being a native here I know there is value to be added for the area. 
4. Looking forward to placing some area pictures, letting the millions of visitors here know about what to see and to expect to see when travelling to our area beaches. Would like to expand beyond my local area as well.
5. Found local guide here by accident and decided to start setting the record straight.  Google has a great team but it really take a very knowledgeable native person to help fine tune the mixed messages throughout maps.
Looking forward to assisting in any way that I can!
6. Work here in Panama City Beach, Florida locally in the hospitality management Industry and cannot wait to give feedback.  We service thousands of people (tourist/visitors) every year and always get asked, "Where the best place here to???" 
See Company Video in Panama City Beaches:

Level 4

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

People call me Yogi Mike.  I live in Washington DC and have a love for photography. Posting pictures on Google Maps gives me a way to reach out to people and seeing how many views my photographs are getting.  Has anyone thought of this like a Googlemon Go game?


Yogi MikeYogi Mike

Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Hi Corrie and all Local Guides! I'm TomiK.

I live in Pori, Finland.

I love as a Local Guide to help people. World has changes a lot in past 10 years so much that You don't get troubles in same way that You used to. Now You can just watch Maps app and You don't get lost anymore. I remember times when i were in new city and i really didn't now which way to go first. No problems anymore, ever.

Level 6

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Hi all


Nice to see you all wonderful people.


Thanks to all


Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Hi everybody! 

Name: Stefan

Location: Skopje, Macedonia

What do I love about being a Local Guide: I love that we are able to express our thoughts on a certain place and I love that I can see different opinions on Google Maps and decide which place to visit next 🙂

I love to share: My opinions and photos. Helping other people makes me want to share more and more!

How did I hear about Local Guides: I friend told me about it, and I felt sorry I haven't heard of Local Guides earlier 🙂

Fun Fact About Me: I am fascinated by photography and I'm constantly developing my photography skills, I love to travel and I like to eat strange food from all around the world. Also, I'm a Level 5 Local Guide 😉


Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Name : Thomas Baldwin

Location : Jacksonville, FL

What do I love about being a local guide: I really like looking at maple and seeing what is around. Really like sharing info and photos. 

I like to share: info I know about and photos I remember to take them. 

How did I hear about local guide : At first i got a question pop up when I was looking on maps app. Didn't think much it at first, them got notice I leveled up to two. So I checked into it and went from there. Trying to get to level five. 

Fact about me : I'm happily married and have two awesome boys. I'm a diesel fuel injection tech and love tinkering on my car's. Thanks for reading about me. 

Level 7

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

Hi y'all

  1. Name: Mark
  2. Location: London UK.  Originally from Australia and have also lived in Texas
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guide: Google maps is a 2-way street.  Almost everyone uses maps to find places and things but without people contributing then it value as a public service in this effect would be a lot less.  I get a lot out of using maps and like to give back by contributing.  
    Its also a pet hate of mine of people complaining about information being wrong, and whinging about someone else.  (this is a general comment about anything in life), but here in Google maps why waste energy complaining when you have the power to correct / improve for the benefit of yourself and others.  Its a win win
  4. I love to share: Photos (haven't got into photospheres yet) and useful information
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: It was a stinking hot day (for London that is) and wanted to take my son to the pool, naturally I asked Google maps where the nearest pool was.  Just a couple of blocks away it said but my immediate excitement turned quickly to disappointment when I saw that was my local council offices.  I was bummed, but practicing what I preach (see point 3) I wanted to let Google know that there was a mistake and not let anyone else get bummed out by this as well.  So searching through the options menu of Google Maps stumbled across it all from there 
  6. Fun Fact About Me: I lived in Houston for 3 years yet didn't own a car !!!! I rode everywhere and people thought I was crazy
Level 1

Re: Introduce Yourself - September 2016

1. Name - Tarun

2. Location - New Delhi ( India )

3. Why I'm Here - Isnt it awesome to help people and make a difference...and yeah almost forgot they said they have a ton of benefits..l

4. I Love to Share -  Interesting places.. almost everyone is been to the malls, but the places that a lot of us will never ever be going to, like the hill tops, the places with no roads and no names... I want post pics of them so that people can see and appreciate what a beautiful world we live in.

5. How did I Know about Google Guides ? - Google asked me to upload some pics :), and then I was like finally, I will get a chance to label and put up pics of places which had none.

6me..:)me..:). Fun Facts - Well I Love Life, Love trekking, Outdoors sorts of a person... Hope to meet a few fun loving people through the help of google..or whatever life brings along... stay Happy..Enjoy