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Level 10

Re: Los Angeles Local Guides Community


Hi thanks

Level 10

Re: Hi

Hi @Mohrezig1986

how do you do today?

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — November 2017

Hi @amhon

thanks for intro and best wishes

Level 8

Re: Travelling

Hi new friend

Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself — November 2017

  1. Name: Albert Filella
  2. Location:  Reus, Tarragona. Catalonia
  3. What do I love about being a Local Guides: tell people where I've been, what I've seen and what they should see! 
  4. I love to share: phothos of my experiences and secret locations
  5. How did I hear about us: google mailing!
  6. Fun Fact About Me: trekking at morning, bike trial in the afternoon and salsa and bachata at night
  7. 2017 Roadmap: Galicia(x3) - Croatia(Dubrovnik, Split) - Iceland(All island) - Venice(Venice, Murano, Burano)
  8. 2018 Roadmap:  (Mallorca All Island 3-10 Mar) - (Galicia Mar) - (Galicia 10-13 Jul) - (Sierra Nevada, Granada, Malaga, Ceuta - 22-29 Jul) - (Cairo, Karnak, Luxor, Abu Simbel) - (Galicia Dec)
  9. 2019 Roadmap: (Galicia x3) - (Russia Санкт-Петербург + Москва - Jul) - (Roma, Siena, Firenze, Pisa, Lucca, Cinque Terre, Milan, Torino, Savona - Sep)
  10. 2020 Roadmap: (Galicia x3) - (Thailandia - Cambodia Jun) - (London - Scotland)






Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself — November 2017

Name: Anuradha Piyadasa
Location: Sri Lanka
What I love about being a Local Guide: From my childhood helping others is in my blood. As a professional and a father of three daughters, I find it difficult finding time to help lots of people. The Google Map gave me that opportunity to help millions of people around the world and in my country by providing them details about locations in my country to make them feel like they are in their own backyard. Making them feel like home gave me a lot of satisfaction and one of the main reasons that motivate me to contribute to the Google Maps.
I love to share: All the places in Sri Lanka, especially the historical sites
How did I hear about Local Guides: I came to know while I am contributing to the Google Maps.
Fun Fact About Me: Photography, traveling, sharing knowledge, archaeology, history .........


This is the photo I am going to use next time in my visa applications.... Took during the Local Guides Summit 2017...








Level 10

Re: Introduce Myself

@Narthanan_R I would like to see your face.... I hope every local guide would love to see your face... Please upload a photo

Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself — November 2017

Hi @AnuradhaP,


Posting Document Quality photos might not be a wise move.  There are ID Theft risks.

Level 6

Ich bin Neu

Hallo Local Guides auf der ganzen Welt!

  1. Name: Denisa Muszynski
  2. Location: Mettmann,NRW,Germany
  3. What I love about being a Local Guide: Ich bin ein sehr Kontaktfreudiger Mensch und helfe wenn möglich jedem in jeder Situation.Es ist toll die Resultate zu sehen und wie durch gemeinschaftliche Hilfe und Engagement "Neues" erreicht und verwirklicht werden kann.International und Gemeinsam!
  4. I love to share: Ich beantworte gerne Fragen zu Locations und teile Bilder.
  5. How did I hear about Local Guides: Das war eher Zufall u Neugierige die sich in absolute Begeisterung gesteigert hat.
  6. Fun Fact About Me: Ich bin ein sehr kreativer Mensch und habe regelmäßig besondere und einzigartige Projektideen, die ich dann auch in die Tat umsetze - obwohl ich zu Beginn immer ausgelacht werde!                                  Früher hat man mir sogar den Spitznamen/ Nickname "Duracell" gegeben. Wer von Euch kennt den weißen, trommelnden Hasen aus der Duracell Baterie Werbung noch?! 😉 Ich habe viele Tiere,die ich für meine Projekte Ausbilde und Einsetze. Tiere können bei Menschen sehr viel bewirken.Ganz stolz bin ich auf meinen gemeinnützigen ehrenamtlichen Verein:               RESCUE RIDERS e.V
  7. Rescue Riders e.VRescue Riders e.V


    Rescue Riders e.V Landesgruppe Niedersachsen auf der Messe "Pferd und Jagd" in HannoverRescue Riders e.V Landesgruppe Niedersachsen auf der Messe "Pferd und Jagd" in Hannover


    Logo Rescue Riders e.VLogo Rescue Riders e.V


    Ich & ZarcenoIch & Zarceno


    Rescue Riders e.V auf der Messe "Florian" in DresdenRescue Riders e.V auf der Messe "Florian" in Dresden


    Roll upRoll up


    Deni FotoshootingDeni Fotoshooting


Level 10
Level 10

Re: Ich bin Neu

@Deni1982 Nice pics , welcome to local guide