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Level 2

Re: Ho Tay Viet Nam in my heart

ok thanks you. nice to meet you 

Level 2

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

Hello .nice to meet you. Nepal is a wonderful country. May be one day i will come

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

@AkhilSudhakaran warm welcome to local guides connect community.

Level 10

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

Brother @YasinHossainRakib warm welcome to local guides connect community.

Level 2

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

  1. Nome: fastreply
  2. Luogo: vivo a Pozzuoli (Napoli - Italia)
  3. Che cosa mi piace dell'essere una guida locale: Amo la fotografia e il mangiare bene, visitare luoghi nuovi e condividere le esperienze.
  4. Mi piace condividere:  Quello che trovo interessante per gli altri
  5. Come ho sentito parlare di Guide locali:  non mi ricordo!

Alcune cose su di me:  mi piace fotografare, viaggiare, scoprire, ascoltare musica (non so suonare, purtroppo!)

Level 4

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

Name: Adimurugan Venugopalan

Location: Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India

What I love about being a Local Guide: To give the authenticated detail about our Town, State and Country.

My favorite thing to explore: Ancient monuments, Historical Places, Sculptures

Fun Fact about me: The whole of my life itself funny. What else...?

Level 2

Hola, Soy de Armenia, Colombia y Tú? / Hi, I´m from Armenia, Colombia and you?

MHola! Cómo estás?


Gracias por entrar a ésta discusión. 


Mi nombre es Natalia Agudelo y Vivo en el Eje Cafetero (Armenia, COLOMBIA). Trabajo en turismo de la región. Soy apasionada por los viajes, la cultura y conocer 

de la gastronomía. 


Así que si necesitan algo por la región, con el mayor gusto les puedo ayudar.


Me gustaría saber quién me lee para conocer más de la comunidad de LG.




Hi! How are you?


Thank you for entering in this disscussion.


My name is Natalia Agudelo. I live in the Coffee Region (Armenia, COLOMBIA). Currently I am working in tourism at the region. 

I´m passionate about travel, culture and taste the gastronomy of the places.


Then, if you need anything to know about the region don't hesitate asking. 


I would like to know who reads me to get to know you more and the LG Community.


Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018


Name: Dim4ik

Place: Portugal 

What I love about being a Local Guide: I did not knew I am, but finding exotic places to share is fun.

My favorite thing to explore: beautiful or interesting.or important places.

Fun Fact about me: I am Fat :P, and I do not have time to share all my 50 thousand photos

I love taking photos of places that I see as beautiful or interesting.or important

I love adding new places to maps so others can check them.

But my most wished activity is food tasting and sharing good food places. 


Level 8

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

Thank you. 

Level 6

Re: Introduce Yourself - March 2018

1. Name. Monique Kempen but my user name is ChenandOrlanda

2.location. Landgraaf the Netherlands

3.What i love of being a local guide.

Well i love taking pictures. And who does not enjoy to see that so many people see them and use them for their own benifits. Its awesome! 

4. My favourite things to explore. When i posted those pictures in google maps i enjoy that people realy like them. Mostly i take pictures of food and buildings that are not seen in maps.

5. Fun fact about me! Well i am just got started last year and i realy love the views i got! Even in this small town i live in, must be put on the map!