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Level 5

Introduce Yourself — April 2018

Hello world! 





  1. Name: Federico Babbi
  2. Location: Milan, Italy - though I was born and I have grown in Verona, IT
  3. What I love about Local Guides: I am a huge fan of this crowd-sourcing network that started as a geographic tool and became a platform for useful tips, interesting media and knowledge sharing. Initially I just exploited the community by accessing the content of such a wide range of utilities (descriptions from streets to sculptures, from restaurants to sport clubs); once I understood how much universal was the impact of the community I felt good to be involved with building the virtual environment uploading contents that ended up with over 40 thousands visuals without even thinking about it; finally I had the chance to create a place on Google maps (pecora) and I confess to be very proud of contributing officially to local geography and, even more, of adding value to places with a forgotten history. 
  4. What I like to explore: my exploring instinct is pending between concrete jungle and wild nature, but in both cases I love to be suggested by local people and to experience authentic features about locations and Local Guides is really close to this framework.
  5. Fun facts: while exploring Bruges (Belgium), I was seeking desperately for a favourite Pinte of beer (almost impossible) and thanks to Google maps referees I found out a super tiny pub, barely advertised on the street, that made me achieve that goal. Now even other 7000 users saw my photo (bier atelier) and so I passed the baton.
Milano, MI, Italia