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Indonesia Travel Bucket List Sulawesi 3 : The Beauty of the Megalithic Menhir in Bori Kalimbuang

Travel Stories From Adimara Bori Kalimbuang.jpg


The Toraja ancestors were believed to be heavenly beings who descended using ladders from the sky to live there, and it was very clear their reasons for staying in Toraja. This land is protected from the outside world by natural granite walls that are sturdy around, making Toraja has a unique and beautiful landscape. Tana Toraja was isolated from the outside world until the beginning of the 20th century, that is why customs are very strong rooted in Toraja social life.
Toraja up to now is still actively practicing their customs, rituals and traditions, animistic beliefs named Aluk which means road, or Aluk To Dolo, the road to ancestors.
Tracing the customs of the Toraja community means tracing the path to the world of death. The Toraja community believes that death and life must continue to be celebrated with traditional rituals, to maintain the energy that is owned by the people and the Toraja land. Toraja is known for its natural beauty that is still natural and awake besides that cultural attractions become its own attraction.
Like the Bori Kalimbuang tourism object, this tourist attraction is one of the UNESCO world heritage located on the Poros Banana road, Pangli, Bori Village, Sesean sub-district, North Toraja Regency,
This tour is estimated to have existed since 1718 This tourist attraction is similar to Stonehenge in England, both have high stones and stand tall with various sizes known as menhirs, these stones are not formed naturally but are first formed and planted inside land, planting these stones cannot be done by just anyone but through some traditional ceremonies.
The view of Manhir in this location is very beautiful and very Instagramable, so many tourists come here for selfies and photos in this area.
The beauty of the Megalithic Menhir in Bori KalimbuangThe beauty of the Megalithic Menhir in Bori Kalimbuang


Google Maps : https://goo.gl/maps/brooDHdYsST2


How do I become a Local Guides to promote Indonesian tourism (Indonesia Travel Bucket List Stories : Local Guides X Indonesian Ministry Of Tourism)


The name of the program is "SUSUR NUSANTARA" has a special agenda to revitalize the existence of tourist spots in Indonesia that are less exposed on social media. The West Side's fame on social media is far less than the East side's fame, where hashtags with locations in Bali, NTB, Sulawesi and Papua are always crowded with posts by local and international netizens.


I along with the team explored 8 destinations that are rarely exposed in Indonesia. I was officially invited to collaborate because I am a co-founder of Indonesia's largest media on Instagram, @ExploreIndonesia, and also I am an alumni of the 2017 Local Guides Summit who are very active in helping local tourism in my residential areas, Sidoarjo and Surabaya.


Not only that, my job there is to photograph the beauty of the natural, cultural and regional heritage there. But it also helps to update the location with updated points of tourist attractions on Google Maps with the Local Guides program and Street View Trusted Photographer so that it will get maximum results.


My goal for sharing this story is to show my experience when traveling to unique places in Indonesia. And also helps provide insight to other global Local Guides friends. So, I will write my stories through the title "Indonesia Travel Bucket List Stories".


Hopefully, one day, officially, @ExploreIndonesia and the Google Local Guides program also Google Maps can collaborate in Indonesia.

Objek Wisata Kalimbuang Bori, Bori, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia