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Level 10

How did you discover local guide connect

I accidentally discovered the forum
Then my friend told me about the forum and how I could find friends who share my interest
And I can discover beautiful cultures and regions

So I wanted to know the reasons for your joining
snap: asmadiva
Not applicable

Re: How did you discover local guide connect

Salut @Asma_alchaffai je vous souhaite la bienvenue parmi nous (local guide connect) et pour répondre à ta question ,je dirai que le fait de partager les connaissances,photos et autres informations ,le souci d’être utile et le respect de l'autre sont les véritables moteurs de mon adhésion. 

Level 10

Re: How did you discover local guide connect


Thank you for your kind welcome
I am happy to find out
I was curious to know how to discover this site and the reasons for entering it
I expect we're all here for the same reason
Greetings my friend
snap: asmadiva
Level 7

Re: How did you discover local guide connect

Firstly, I heard 3 ladies discussing about Google Local Guide at an event which I had it in mind to get more info about local guide not until when my friend introduced me to local guide. Every since then I find it interesting and stress free to help others get what they looking for on the Google Map.

Level 8

Re: How did you discover local guide connect