Mariagabriela's post
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Level 5

Help and let help

I´m Gaby from Argentina. I´m 26 years. Well… about your connect live email, I’m really glad about it! I think that fear is the biggest obstacle when traveling is the topic and with the local guides community we are working on that. It’s very pleasant for me to help other people and it’s also pleasant for me to receive help from other people who have just experienced that thing that I’m curious about. As a local guide, sharing information about places not too crowded and seeing that they’re the most viewed posts is amazing! I feel so relieved when someone has done the same and I’m grateful for that!

So let’s keep on working on it! I’d love to continue helping other people overcome their fears so we can all make our dreams come true. I’d like to join to your team, can I?

Provincia de Puntarenas, Jacó, Costa Rica