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Level 8

Expectations while you travel

  • With an expectation we think, that we know beforehand what something looks like or how will be the moments and what we consider the most probable something may be like. Expectations are based for most part on images and only for a smaller part on the real facts.
  • These images and information may be saved in our memory as from childhood onwards and they may have arrived from many different sources. It is important to realize, that a tourist to be considered such has to travel to an area which is different from his own environment, which means there is an element of uncertainty, which in turn sparks off the expectation.
  • Everyone expect to have a better conversation and make good contacts for just friends, motivators, business partners, local guides, all is possible being a good, humble and a honest traveller. One of the needed expectations to have internet and feed backs,reviews of local guides for the places going to be visited. Expectations feed on what we have already saved in our memory, which includes previous experiences; then there are the external sources, such as travel guides, books, films or television programmes.
  • There are the verbal sources by means of friends, relatives or colleagues and finally there are the background images, associations or our fixed ideas, which may form and influence our expectations. They are always welcome with a bunch of helpful advices and also join the travel to accompany and make it memorable one.

Share some of your experiences and expectations below in reply to know other people and help them to build a quality of expectations.

Moscow, Russia
1 comment
Level 1
Level 1

Re: Expectations while you travel

Very useful article @abhiGLG