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Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

So, after having to reinstate a genuine point of interest which was arbitrarily shut down by SOMEONE and after trying to get SOMEONE to accept a modification on a point of interest I created for over six months, I now find that SOMEONE has binned 24 of my reviews and something like 50 of my points.


I'd like to know what is going on. ALL of my reviews are appropriately detailed and honest. ALL of my reviews are compliant with Google rules (excepting two which express my annoyance at the regional moderator's inconsistent actions and probably should be pinged). I don't use a laptop and have not yet identified which reviews have been pinged.


I suspect it's angry poor review recipient on a revenge tour, or the **####** whose mischievous relocations I have corrected.


Either way I have invested dozens of hours of time into this platform and I'm getting somewhat ticked off by the lack of care for my efforts, that they can be so arbitrarily discarded. I am a hair's breadth away from deleting all my data from maps and binning the whole thing.


Level 6

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

I have the same problem today,  I logged into my contributor dashboard,   it showed just over 200 points while I grind my way up to 500.    I started adding some reviews and it has taken me down to level 3 with just shy of 90 points.   Hopefully this is temporary,  I spend hours relocating businesses in local plazas to get up to 200...



It looks like edited places for me has dropped to 0 in the points breakdown.  Hopefully this is just a refresh/caching problem. 

Level 4

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

Same thing here.

Maybe something is wrong with Google servers? 

Level 4

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

We are angry as well! Over 100 points were removed! We have edited over 55 places on the map from people that just throw a marker on the map to get points (marker far from where the company is located), or people that add double places to get points. We have spent tons of hours reviewing places we have gone, uploading photos, editing places, and for some reason we are not getting points on over 50 places we reviewed and the places we have added and edited we have no points for anymore.


Someone needs to fix this or answer everyones concerns. This is ridiculous. How is it there are people with 50k points that clearly cheat that are level 5, but those who have truly been to locations and truly put effort into their reviews have this happen. Starting to feel like this is being done by someone higher up as a mod that doesn't want others to get to level 5. Could be wrong, but what the heck.

Level 6

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

I'm not sure,  been searching around and there are a lot of posts about disappearing points and people saying that they take points away if they don't feel the changes you made deserve them.  So maybe they think the places I've added/edited are no longer worth local guides points perhaps 🙂 

Level 7

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

Went from Level 5 to Level 3 overnight for no apparent reason and edits went from 530 to 133. 


Hopefully someone is working on the problem and the edits (and points) were not lost.


UPDATE: I just received a flurry of emails awarding me badges as a guide, level 1, 2, 3. Perhaps they are doing a data restore and we will eventually get back what we lost.

Not applicable

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

There appear to be a flurry of posts and threads on this exact same topic at the moment. So thinking on it, it's probably just some maintenance or migration error. Google have a terrible record for temporary data loss whenever they tinker with or maintain the system. HOWEVER, they do regularly back up it seems and things do tend to get back to normal after a few days. So I think I'll just wait and see for a few days.

Level 7

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

@ChrisH wrote:

So, after having to reinstate a genuine point of interest which was arbitrarily shut down by SOMEONE and after trying to get SOMEONE to accept a modification on a point of interest I created for over six months, I now find that SOMEONE has binned 24 of my reviews and something like 50 of my points.


I'd like to know what is going on. ALL of my reviews are appropriately detailed and honest. ALL of my reviews are compliant with Google rules (excepting two which express my annoyance at the regional moderator's inconsistent actions and probably should be pinged). I don't use a laptop and have not yet identified which reviews have been pinged.


I suspect it's angry poor review recipient on a revenge tour, or the **####** whose mischievous relocations I have corrected.


Either way I have invested dozens of hours of time into this platform and I'm getting somewhat ticked off by the lack of care for my efforts, that they can be so arbitrarily discarded. I am a hair's breadth away from deleting all my data from maps and binning the whole thing.


Same here

I've lost about 40 points over the day with no explanation. 

Not applicable

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

I've just taken another look at mine and edits and new places have reduced to zero, shedding another 150 points from my total. I'm no longer a Level 5.


To be honest though, this looks like it's just another Google screw-up. Give them a few days and it will be sorted again probably.

Level 7

Re: Disappearing Reviews, Pins and Points

I can understand it, I lost some points, some level, so whyou shouldn'the google loose something too.