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Level 8

Re: Yay... I've received the confirmation e-mail.

Congratulition Mrs @Sandra1961. :“) 

Level 10

Re: Yay... I've received the confirmation e-mail.

Congratulation @Sandra1961

Level 8

Connect Live Application confirmation mail

Hi All,


Today I received the Connect Live Application confirmation mail from Google.

I was feeling dejected because of the deadline confusion as I had submitted the application at the last minute. But, I am feeling relieved that my application got submitted.

Thanks a lot Google for the confirmation mail.


Connect Live application confirmation mailConnect Live application confirmation mail


Hope other applicants received it too.

Level 10

Re: Did you get confirmation email from connect live 2018?

@BishowvijayaP Thanks...

Level 7

Re: Did you get confirmation email from connect live 2018?

Dear @AvirajAgarwal and Others...

Please be patient untill you receive a confirmation mail from Google. I am sure, since the summit have announced there must be so many applications getting submitted and obviously, the team needs to review the application and send us all the confirmation.


Google LG has mentioned to be patient till June 20th, each of us will be privately informed whether we are selected or not selected.

I dont believe, if you havent received any application confirmation from Google, it doesnt mean than your application has been rejected. Similarly, that you have been in the prospective list since you have received application confirmation.


With more than 500,000+ local guides application received, the team must be working at good pace to meet the set deadlines. May the best 150 participants get the opportunity to attend the Summit 2018. May the attendees inspire rest of us to continue contribution and make Google Local Guide Program, a better one.


I have applied on 29th April 2018 and i received confirmation yesterday. Below is the screenshot. Hope it helps many others the way confirmation mails have been receiving. Wishing everyone all the very best. Be faith in your application and dont get worried about  the badges, levels earned by fellow participants who have earned.


Confirmation Mail on Application for Global Summit 2018Confirmation Mail on Application for Global Summit 2018




Take Care
#Keep Exploring #Keep Sharing

Viju Vijay

Dubai, UAE

Level 8

Re: Did you get confirmation email from connect live 2018?


My dear friend,

I have also received the confirmation mail for the application yesterday.. and I wrote the same on my last post to inform our fellow members..


Thanks and hope to see you there in LG Connect Live 2018..

Level 8

Re: Local guides connect live event 2018 application confirmation mail



Hope to see you guys in the LG Connect Live 2018..

All the Best..

Level 6

Re: Did you get confirmation email from connect live 2018?

I got  the email that they have received my submission. Got the mail yesterday.




Level 8

Re: Did you get confirmation email from connect live 2018?


Best wishes and hope to see you in LG Connect Live 2018..


Level 8

Re: Connect Live Application confirmation mail



I received it too yesterday..


Best wishes and hope to see you there in LG Connect Live 2018..
