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Level 6

Connect Live 2018: HELLO from Taiwan

Hello guys!


My name is Theresa Wang and I’m a commerce school student, food lover, and level 5 local guide from Taipei, Taiwan. I’ll be in Rotterdam for an half year since September, and leave me a comment if you are around Netherlands!


Cheers to Graduation!Cheers to Graduation!

I joined LG program in October 2017 and I’ve actively contributed restaurant reviews and food pictures (or “food porns”) since then. The reason I immediately joined the program while I saw the invitation is that I got so many local guides’ help when I’m using google maps, and I LOVE the concept of Local Guide, which is to share thoughts, pictures and knowledge to make Google Maps better, so I thought it was my turn to contribute for this community!



I love to explore places by using Google Maps, especially restaurants cause I’m a foodie since I was small. I remember I wrote about “My Life as a Gastronomist” on writing class when I was 10, though my father told me gastronomist can’t be a full-time job then, I think I’m fulfilling my dream by sharing reviews on Google Maps. I even create “To-Eat lists” to save all the restaurants I’d like to visit so that I can easily decide my next restaurant visit. Actually I was so proud when I sorted all the restaurants I saved (it was about 200+ spots).

flags are for different country's cuisineflags are for different country's cuisine

As a student with tight schedule, I still keep checking restaurants off my “To-Eat lists” and share my reviews on weekends. This helps me to relax a bit and get the sense of accomplishment while earning points. I share my reviews with recommended dish and pictures cause I know that’s very informative to people who visits for the first time

Now I’ve contributed

  • 73 reviews
  • 74 photos
  • 20000+ photo views!

I know there is a LOT to go and I’m still happily working on it!


Here are some of my favorite foods recently

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Delicious sashimi in 煮海 seafood restaurant















Hainan chicken in Red dot Singapore kitchen















Taiwanese pork rice and starch coated pork soup in 東門赤肉羹



Taipei is definitely a city full of fun and activities. Although there are many tourist spots, I think attending these events is the best way to discover our authentic lifestyle and culture, no matter traditional activities or fancy ones. The vitality of Taiwanese people and culture always makes me feel touched and honored to be a Taiwanese. As a local guide, I hope Google maps can also provide some ways to let us share more activities to visitors so that they could join our local events.



Nuit Blanche Taipei: art works displayed on street


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Annual Lantern Festival, 2017 in Beigang


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"Cloud Gate", contemporary dance company in Taiwan, outdoor performance in front of National Theater


Being a Local Guide and also a BUDDY

I joined buddy program in my school and we meet exchange students from worldwide. We help them with the information they need, invited them to interesting activities, make them feel at home and often care for each others. I made friends with nice guys from Germany, Slovenia, Holland and even more country! This had made me become a person with better global perspective and passionate in sharing myself and my country as well.



Taking our German friend to Jazz FestivalTaking our German friend to Jazz Festival

Local Guides Connect

Joining Local Guides Connect made me feel the same way as having more buddies. In this huge community, we share ourselves and our cultures, make friend with local guides around the world. We are all equal and we show respects for each other, and this is why I got attracted the moment I joined.

Attending Connect Live 2018 is definitely a great chance to let us get together in person and discuss on issues to make our community better. Moreover, we’ll be in Googleplex and learn about new features in Google. That’s why I’m applying this event with so much excite! Hope to see you guys in this October and good luck to everyone!



Theresa Wang




Taipei City, 台灣