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Level 2

Can’t see my google review

I can’t see my google review when logged out of my account. I left a positive review on a restaurant and the server we had was so amazing I wanted to leave a review about her so the restaurant knows what a great employee they have but it’s still not visible publicly just when I’m on my account. I posted the review on Sunday still don’t see it 

Spangle, WA, USA
Level 8

Re: Can’t see my google review

Unfortunately this happens sometimes to all reviewers. Even though we follow the Google Maps guidelines and rules strictly,  most of the time we don't know the reason and we never get an answer to this problem. 

Level 10

Re: Can’t see my google review

Hi @Countryguy12 


This is a known issue to many Local Guides. I, myself have had unpunished reviews since 2022. 

There is a ongoing discussion. Take a look at the following link.