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Level 10

Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park, South Africa

Hi Friends, 


Sometimes in life, you wonder that you shall have the higher zoom camera to capture the beautiful birds which are far on the branches or are flying high in the skies. A similar experience happened to me when I saw this beautiful Kingfisher bird which was sitting far high on the branches of a tree inside the Kruger National Park. 

Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)

Kruger National Park is filled with so many different kinds of birds and you need a good telephoto lens so that you can reach them from far far away. It's always good practice to rent the equipment if you can't own the same.

Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)

Brown-hooded Kingfisher is almost the size of Cape Sterling which I shared photos earlier in my posts and weighs just 60 grams. You will be able to find them near any water source especially rivers inside the Kruger National Park. 

Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park (Local Guides @TheLifesWay)

In the end, Kingfisher is one of the beautiful birds with a loud and harsh voice. You will find them in pairs maximum else it also roams alone. People also say that it showcases the most dramatic courtship displays in the mating season. All the photos are taken using Nikon D7000 and Sigma 70-300mm Telephoto lens inside the Kruger National Park in South Africa. 


Aashish Rai
#TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra
#TheLifesWay #PhotoYatra
Kruger Park, South Africa
Google Moderator

Re: Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park, South Africa

Hey @TheLifesWay ,


Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. I am surprised how good the bird looks on the photos among all those leaves. Did you adjust your settings in order to get a good photo?


Tell us more about the Kruger National Park. Were there many people now that the weather is nice?

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Level 2

Re: Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park, South Africa

This is a woodland kingfisher.... 

Level 9

Re: Brown-hooded Kingfisher inside Kruger National Park, South Africa

Woodland Kingfisher ✔️