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Level 7

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level


I agree that in many ways it is best to give the shopkeepers total control but having said that would their GMB hold prevent sensible updates to their site by those with a bit more technical experience ?

My concern is that many of them had to be urged (gently, of course) to gain an online presence by being on Google Maps in the first place and then it was quite an effort to encourage them to create Facebook pages so that they could connect with their customer base online and so I am not sure if they would all welcome the prospect of yet another layer of complexity.

By the way, how did you navigate to this section of the forum ?

It is one of many which seems to have been removed from the top level menu now. 

So far "Mapping Your World",   "Feedback and Feature Requests", "General Discussion" and "Let's Meet Up" appear to be missing from the basic interface.


■ "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?" ■ "Who watches the watchers ?" ■ the satirical poet, Juvenal ■ 1st century Rome ■
Connect Moderator

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level

I found it back because of the notifications on my profile. I have not had the time today to explore this new version a lot, but I do get the impression that it's more difficult to find older posts. But I postpone my judgement until I have had some more time to explore.

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Level 7

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level


I now wish that I had archived some of the forum pages a few days ago - or taken more screenshots - so that I could have a clearer idea of just how much functionality has been removed.

It does seem like parts of the forum were becoming a bit too controversial for a public audience and so it did not really surprise me that they have now been effectively suppressed.

The immediate removal of our ability to QUOTE was one of the first things which I noticed and I needed it to confirm some of the claims being made by a number of moderators that repeated attempts to add the same missing place could seriously affect our trust rating and make our future additions problematic.

This is why for me the issue of disclosure of our trust ratings has become a paramount issue and one which might come under the jurisdiction of EU legislation as it constitutes privately held data that has a direct impact on aspects of our work.


■ "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes ?" ■ "Who watches the watchers ?" ■ the satirical poet, Juvenal ■ 1st century Rome ■
Connect Moderator

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level

Under GDPR legislation, you could of course file a request for Google to send you all the data they have stored on you, @aka_Rὁn.

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Level 7

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level

Olá @JanVanHaver  gostei das dicas aqui mencionadas neste post! Sou aqui do Brasil-Brasilia,me chamo wesley também encontro as mesmas notificações para locais ausentes ou erros de endereços no maps.

Sou novo por aqui no local guides connect,gostaria de saber se você saberia me informa um tutorial de como posta e onde visualizar a postagens e muito mais para assim poder melhorar minhas habilidades.

Também percebo que depois da pandemia o google maps apresenta muitos erros de atualização de endereços e lugares no maps ( Ex: Envio de localização),mesmo depois de corrigido demora muito a atualizar a correção do local correto. É isso ai continue a ajudar!🤗

Wesley Valente da Silva
Connect Moderator

Re: Best Practice: Find the right zoom level

In that case @wesleyvalente1 : welcome to Connect! It can take a while to figure out how everything works here, but fortunately there is a great post that explains the basics:




And about Maps: yes, there remains a lot to be done there, but if a lot of people all do a bit, we can definitely make some decent progress!

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