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Level 5

About Myself

This post is for a general discussion. You can also share your thoughts with me.

I am Neeraj Agarwal form Rajasthan, India. I am a economics student as well a tech enthusiast . My passion for map guiding started when I myself searched for a place but was unfortunately taken on a wrong path as the name of the two places matched and the information was not completely updated. Since then I am also contributing on google maps and today my contribution lever is more than 5.

I think that it's better not to guide rather than guiding on a wrong path, that's why I always try to upload the correct and complete information about a place, also I am much interested in correcting the misleading information.  Many times I manually check for the correct information about a place and try to update it with correct information .

So that's all about me as a local guide



Jaipur, Rajasthan, India