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Level 8

ASOS Perk boycott

Is anyone else annoyed at Google's perks? I became a LG to share my local knowledge with the community. Google offered some reasonable perks that don't really cost them anything (Drive Storage & Beta Access) when you hit a high enough tier which was nice. Then they changed the levels and removed all the perks. And I mean all of them. Half off a movie if you haven't already tried a Google product to a group of Google early adopters that have all already tried it is not a perk. Now they have partnered with ASOS for 20% off something you can already get for 20% off simply by Googling "ASOS Promo Code". Mind you this isn't for reaching a level. This is simply for signing up for LG.


It has gone from Google offering something of some value (even if there was virtually no cost to them) to offering nothing, to now making money off of us directly. Because we all know that ASOS is paying Google for clicks, purchases we make, etc...


This is just my humble opinion of course. Does anyone else agree? If so speak up, Google needs to understand that as a group we are not going to stand for it.

Chicago, IL, United States
Level 5

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

I totally agree and as so in my post WHAT REWARDS ?

Former Google Contributor

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

Hi @foodjunky, thank you for your feedback. We timed this perk to help holiday shoppers, and based on requests for online discounts. You're welcome to pass the perk along to a friend or family member. Perks pop up from time to time as a thank you for being a part of the community; sometimes they are available to Local Guides at specific levels, sometimes to Local Guides at all levels. If you have a suggested partner, or a perk you would like to see offered in your area, we welcome your feedback. 

Level 8

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

Hello @Atsukot, Thanks for your response. I don't see 20% one time code during the holidays as a perk. Specially when you can google "ASOS Promo Code" and pull up 30% off (screenshot) without having to sign up to LG and contribute. Also it's not a benefit for contributing to the community because their is no requirement to actually contribute. You could have 0 points and still get the perk. This is just Google using their community of early adopters to make more money. If you can tell me that ASOS is not in anyway financially compensating Alphabet in regards to this perk offering then color me wrong (IMHO).


ASOS 30% off couponASOS 30% off coupon

And interesting that you asked about my suggestion for a perk as I have already posted my suggestion as have many others but I have never seen a response. I would post a link to that comment but linking to comments in this forum doesn't work. So I will paste here:

  • "Beta access that they actually is granted (this seems like a no brainer, ask your most engaged customer what you think). Google Drive storage at increments (at Guide Level), renews every year you are active. Google Red/Music access for a year. Renews every year you are active. Level 9 Google Pixel phone. Level 10 Google Fi service, renews every year you are active."

When I signed up to be a LG I was motivated for a couple of reasons. 1. To help the community. 2. To be able to see changes that I make go live. It's kinda cool to make a map change and see it change, or post a photo and see how many views it gets. Google has done the photo thing pretty good. Map changes not so much, which is reflected on my activity (screenshot below). What is also reflective in my activity is the debacle which was the revamping of the points system. It is one thing to have a community of contributors that you don't reward very well. It's another thing to promise rewards for work and then never fulfill those promises. And its a whole new game to instead of reward that community choose to sell that community off to the highest bidder and pass it off as a reward. I am not sure how many in the community realize this but the more that do will stop or reduce contributing.




With all that said there is a reason why I am posting this information. It is because I care and I want the LG community to succeed. I wouldn't spend my time if I didn't care. My suggestion is to never ever offer any perk that Alphabet makes direct money off of (clicks, conversions, etc...). That isn't to say that perks need to be expensive or cost anything. I do think it always makes sense to have a halo perk. That perk that is really big that everyone tries to go after. That one should be worth something. Periodic perks are not goal posts. Goal posts need to be set so we know what we are going for. And another point on a star that you can barely tell the difference between is not a goal worth anything. And when you set the goal posts don't move them! Resetting and changing all the goals is frustrating. Perks at certain goals will change from time to time but when they change they should be for something of similar value or higher. Value doesn't have to have a $ value attributed to it. The cost to Alphabet could be nothing.


Complete side note, Beta access is really cool. I imagine if I would have Beta access when Gmail came out and I could get my That costs nothing but has extreme value. Note things like that don't come around often but giving Beta access to early adopters makes a lot of sense. I have Beta access to Google Maps but it's not usable because of the terrible watermark you put all over every screen. I get it you don't want the community sharing what's new, but with a large community someone always will. Mine as well make the experience better for everyone. And if you want this community to feel special then make it special. If I am not mistaken anyone can request beta access to maps. Maybe we are getting in earlier. If that is the case then that should be made apparent, if not then it should be.



Level 6

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

Totally agree, when I started to contribute to Maps I was only doing it for fun and didnt even saw I had the chance to win ''cool'' perks, in fact, the free google music for three months its quite bad, not because its limited for 90 days, but google music itself dosent have the music I listen to.


There's only 3.053 lvl 8 LG's in the world, why not give them extra Google Drive space? Youtube or Youtube Gaming special Seal? Discount on google play would be something resonable alredy in my point of view since I would buy more games there. Just some ideas, simple to make...



Oh mein Freund Jetzt hier ist ein Sieg Dies ist der erste Gloria
Connect Moderator

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

@Atsukot I have to agree and have commented before about this (see London perk: free ice cream at the Magnum Pleasure Store) and to me a much better perk would be along the lines being suggested by @foodjunky or more storage space for my gmail account. Trouble is it seems that Google just isn't listening to our repeated calls and you know what happens when this continues to happen......

Top 100 Local Guides Leaderboards from over 100 different countries!!!
Level 10

Re: ASOS Perk boycott


i get it that the perks cost you a lot.  i'm still proud of that tshirt. contributing to better maps is rewarding. when travelling i more or less look to google maps first. reviews, photos and an updated map are very helpful.

but still, removing the perks is a bummer. the loss of the additional google drive space is disappointing. i will not invest into additional space unless i get a discount - or get it free (as before). i get it, that there are loads of local guides - but for higher local guides (that are not fake photo local guides) that should be doable. i'm level 8 and that takes a lot of time and work.

i dont need 100gb, 50 would be nice. or what about doing somekind of reward system. dropbox did that for referalls, drive could add to gb-number for every level starting from level 7 (because thats the level where it gets more serious and people become more engaged - and not just do fake/whatever for the storage). how about: for level 7 you need 5,000 points, so you get an additional 5000 mb, for level 8 15000 points, 15000mb? or how about a 50% google drive discount?

best regards

Former Google Contributor

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

Thank you everyone for sharing your opinion here. It is always useful to know what you think. We are unfortunately unable to reply to each suggestion, but we hear you and pass your suggestions along to the team for consideration.


@foodjunky, I sometimes volunteer to support elderly people. I don’t do it to receive something, my motivation is to see people smile. It is different from contributing to Google Maps, but I understand what you mean.


We offer perks to Local Guides to show our appreciation. Sometimes an offer is only valid specific levels, and sometime we offer it to all levels. We are trying to make all Local Guides happy and will continue trying. We need your help to make it better, so we always welcome your feedback. 

Level 8

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

@Atsukot I also do volunteer work mostly for youth groups as just a way to give back. But they don't give me a lousy promo code to ASOS and hide the fact they get a kick back if I make a purchase.


Would you be okay if the elderly group that you volunteer for did the same?


And you speak of perks that have been given out for different levels. The only ones I know of since the revamp was the YouTube offering, and this ASOS code. What else has been given out and for what levels?

Level 6

Re: ASOS Perk boycott

I just joined this local guide program last month. It feels like I am being taken advantage of. I posted a photo of a bunk service at a local establishment, and it was quite popular. That's why I signed up. I didn't come here expecting consideration. I came here to help the good businesses, and help people avoid getting ripped off by scammy ones.


There are plenty of prompts for me to spend MORE time, basically working for you, and getting no consideration. These perks suck. There is no meetup in San Francisco. I went to go start one, but I am responsible for everything. You don't even send t-shirts or any promotional items. I'm not even that prolific a yelper, and I've been to better yelp events. (in 2008, maybe they suck now)


Google maps gets it's near omniscience from the work of local guides. When is that random hair place open? Local guides. What does this bar look like? Local guides. Google maps is a free service, so that is nice, but cmon, step it up with the perk quality!