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Level 10

Re: A memorial post for Notre Dame - farewell our beautiful Cathedral

Amazing! Thanks for sharing @Shirley that’s a lovely pic and who knows, I might be in the background somewhere 😅 I hope more people get on board to share their joyful memories of Notre dame 

Level 7

Re: Incêndio na Catedral Notre Dame.

Hello 🇧🇷

Level 8

Irish Man, Thankful he saw the Notre Dame Cathedral





Not much to say here, only that I was saddened to hear this beautiful place was on fire today... we are so thankful we got to see it last year 























Level 6

Відповідь: Incêndio na Catedral Notre Dame.

You did it till fire starts?


Level 10

Notre Dame de Paris 💔

Only yesterday I wrote a post about my beloved France, and today such a tragedy happened..

I was in Paris in 2014, and I am glad that I saw this beautiful creation.. 




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The fire at Notre Dame de Paris broke out around seven in the evening. The reason is still unknown, according to some sources, a fireman be associated with restoration work - the cathedral was surrounded by scaffolding. Liquidation of the fire was complicated by dense buildings around the fence and a large number of onlookers - they were afraid to use fire aviation to prevent the mass of water from destroying the ceilings and arches of the cathedral. As a result of the fire, the spire collapsed, and after the roof of the cathedral, the fire spread to the left tower, but  here the spread of fire was stopped. The framework of the cathedral was saved from collapse, and the relics were not affected, in particular, the crown of thorns of Christ and the tunic of the King Louis IX Saint.


And look at this ... My heart is breaking in pain  💔 😭


90.jpg57484869_2404503186234593_3726293564217360384_o.jpgIMAGE 2019-04-16 10_20_54.jpgnotre-dame-fire-2.jpg

Kristina Ibragimova
Level 6

Re: Notre Dame de Paris 💔

so sad to see this happen.

Level 10

Re: Notre Dame de Paris 💔

yes.. 😭

Kristina Ibragimova
Level 10

Re: Notre Dame de Paris 💔

This was such sad news for me this morning @KristinaIBRA as I've been there twice and I think it is a wonderful place and landmark.

Did you know that the centre of Paris is right in from of Notre Dame Cathedral? It is here

Thanks for the post and photos.

@Rajid_BD @

I'm a New Zealander (Kiwi) and currently live in Tauranga. I've previously lived in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Czech Republic, and England, for a 15 year period. I've travelled to 6 continents and been to 57 countries.
Level 10

Собор Парижской Богоматери 💔

Только вчера я писала пост о моей любви к Франции и сегодня а точнее вчера вечером произошла такая трагедия 💔




Я была в Париже и видела это потрясающие творение в 2014 году и я этому очень счастлива 😌


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IMAGE 2019-04-16 10_14_39.jpg




Мое сердце разрывается на части ...



Пожар в Нотр-Дам вспыхнул около семи вечера.Причина пока не известна ,по некоторым данным, возгорание может быть связано с реставрационными работами - собор был окружен строительными лесами.  Ликвидация пожара была усложнена плотной застройкой вокруг забора  - использовать пожарную авиацию побоялись, чтобы масса воды не разрушила перекрытия и арки собора. В результате пожара обрушился шпиль, а после и кровля собора. После огонь перекинулся на левую башню но тут Слава Богу распространения огня удалось остановить.

Каркас собора удалось спасти от обрушения, не пострадали и реликвии.





IMAGE 2019-04-16 10_20_54.jpg






Kristina Ibragimova
Level 10

Re: Notre Dame de Paris 💔

yes, I know, I've been there (((

Kristina Ibragimova