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A Day at the Huaqing Palace in Xi'an, China: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


Nestled at the foot of the majestic Lishan Mountain in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, lies the Huaqing Palace, a site where history whispers through steam and stone, inviting travelers to step into a tale as old as time. This ancient complex, famed for its hot springs and breathtaking scenery, has been a sanctuary of relaxation and inspiration for over three millennia, serving emperors and poets alike.


Caption: The Nine-Dragon Pool at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Nine-Dragon Pool at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


Alongside my Moroccan friend, with his keen eye for architectural beauty, and my Yemeni companion, a lover of history and stories, we arrived at the gates of this ancient complex at precisely 11:00 a.m.


Caption: Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


The palace, a sanctuary of relaxation and inspiration for over three millennia, promised a day of exploration and discovery.


Caption: The Lotus Pool at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Lotus Pool at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


As you approach Huaqing Palace, the air seems to carry a hint of mystery, mingling with the warmth of rising steam. The palace grounds unfurl before you, a tapestry of elegant pavilions, serene lotus ponds, and winding pathways framed by lush greenery. Each step takes you deeper into a storybook landscape, where architecture and nature dance in harmonious splendor.


The lotus flowers at Huaqing Palace indeed carry a fragrant allure that adorns the landscape. Their aroma is subtle yet pervasive, a gentle whisper of sweetness in the air that tantalizes the senses. This scent, characteristic of the lotus, blends notes of almond and banana with a crisp aquatic freshness reminiscent of the clear ponds over which they bloom. It's like a natural incense filling the surroundings, a delicate invitation for every visitor to take a deeper breath and be transported through time.


As we meandered through the gardens of Huaqing Palace, each breath became a symphony of scents. The soft, earthy smell of moist soil mingled with the sweet fragrance of blossoming flowers and the fresh, green aromas of lush foliage. This palette of scents served as an invisible guide through history, where each fragrance told a story of nature and the people who once walked these grounds.


Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


The history of Huaqing Palace is intimately intertwined with the Tang Dynasty, a period that spanned from 618 to 907 AD. This era is celebrated as a golden age of art, culture, and intellectual achievement in China. Huaqing Palace served as an imperial retreat for Tang emperors, including the famous Emperor Xuanzong and his beloved, Yang Guifei. Their love story, filled with passion and tragedy, is among the many tales whispered by the walls of this palace.


Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Royal Garden at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


The architecture and artworks of Huaqing Palace reflect the aesthetics and values of the Tang Dynasty, with its emphasis on harmony between human and nature, and the refinement of court life. The meticulously designed gardens, majestic buildings, and artistically created water features are testimonies to an era where aesthetics and intellectual thought were highly valued.


The journey through Huaqing Palace was not just a walk through a physical space but a voyage across time. The entrance fee of 120 yuan was a small price to pay for the ticket to traverse centuries of history. We learned that for those wishing to ascend to the very heavens, an additional 40 yuan would secure passage on the cable car to the top of Lishan Mountain—a journey we eagerly anticipated.


Caption: View from top of the mountain at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: View from top of the mountain at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


As we stepped into the heart of the palace, the air, infused with the warmth of rising steam from the famed hot springs, whispered tales of emperors and concubines, poets, and generals. The lush greenery of the palace grounds, punctuated by elegant pavilions and serene lotus ponds, seemed to dance in the light of the sun, inviting us deeper into its embrace.


Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


The Nine-Dragon Pool captivated us with its grace and symmetry, its waters reflecting the azure skies above. The Hall of Joy, or Le Hua Hall, offered a glimpse into the grandeur of Tang Dynasty feasts, where music and poetry once filled the air. In the Frost Drifting Hall, where Emperor Xuanzong once pondered the fate of his empire, we felt the weight of history and the fleeting nature of power and beauty.


Caption: Riding Car Cable at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: Riding Car Cable at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


Our journey took an enchanting turn at the Phoenix Pavilion, standing by a tranquil pond. Here, the legendary beauty of Yang Guifei seemed to echo in the ripples of the water, a testament to love that transcends time. The Lotus Pool, with its blooming flowers, was a highlight for my friends and me, symbolizing purity and the eternal cycle of life and renewal.


The Nine-Dragon Pool

A masterpiece of artistic and hydraulic engineering, the Nine-Dragon Pool is a spectacle of grace and symmetry. It's said that the pool was named for the nine dragon sculptures that once spewed warm water into its basin, creating a scene of dynamic beauty. The clear, jade-like waters reflect the surrounding architecture and skies, a mirror to the heavens and a testament to the opulence that once flourished within these walls.


The Hall of Joy (Le Hua Hall)

This hall, originally a place of entertainment and relaxation for the Tang Dynasty's royal family, stands as a monument to the pursuit of happiness and cultural refinement. The Hall of Joy, with its spacious courtyards and elegant design, hosted grand feasts and gatherings, echoing with music, poetry, and laughter. Today, it invites visitors to imagine the splendor and vibrancy of Tang Dynasty court life, a hub of cultural exchange and artistic expression.


The Frost-Drifting Hall (Shang Shu Fang)

Not merely a backdrop for the infamous love story, the Frost Drifting Hall served as a private study and meeting area for Emperor Xuanzong. In the serene beauty of the palace gardens, it was a place where people deliberated political decisions and wrote poetry. The hall's architecture, with its intricate wood carvings and ornate decorations, showcases the sophisticated aesthetic sensibilities of the era.


The Phoenix Pavilion

Perched elegantly by the side of a serene pond, the Phoenix Pavilion is a symbol of renewal and eternal beauty. It's said to be named after Yang Guifei, whose beauty and grace were likened to those of a phoenix. The pavilion, with its airy structure and peaceful surroundings, offers a moment of reflection and connection with the natural world, a reminder of the ephemeral nature of life and the enduring allure of legends.


The Lotus Pool

The Lotus Pool, famous for its blooming lotuses in the summer, is a sight of pure enchantment. The warm waters of this pool were specially designed for the leisure of Yang Guifei, reflecting her elegance and the emperor's affection. The pool, with its blossoming flowers and tranquil waters, serves as a living painting, a celebration of love, beauty, and harmonious coexistence with nature.


The Royal Garden

Adjacent to the palace complex, the Royal Garden is a masterpiece of landscape architecture, blending natural beauty with artistic design. It features a variety of plants, flowers, and trees, carefully arranged to create a paradise on earth. The garden was a place of contemplation and leisure for the emperor and his court, offering a retreat from the affairs of the state where one could commune with nature and seek inspiration in the changing seasons.


Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: View inside temple at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


As the closing hours approached, we realized that our exploration of Huaqing Palace was drawing to an end. We had wandered through the palace grounds, absorbed in the beauty and history, from 11:00 a.m. until the closing time of 5:30 p.m. The experience was a rich tapestry of sensory delights and historical wonders—a journey that connected us to the heart of ancient China.


Caption: The Frost Drifting Hall (Shang Shu Fang) at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)Caption: The Frost Drifting Hall (Shang Shu Fang) at Huaqing Palace, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China (LG:@Mo-TravelleerX)


The perfect way to end our trip was with a cable car ride up Lishan Mountain. The view from above was a panorama of history, nature, and the enduring legacy of the Tang Dynasty, a sight that left us in awe of the beauty and complexity of this remarkable place.


Our visit to Huaqing Palace was more than a day trip; it was a journey through the annals of history, a shared experience that brought us closer to each other and to the rich tapestry of China's cultural heritage. As we left the palace grounds, the stories of emperors and poets, of beauty and tragedy, lingered in our minds, a reminder of the enduring allure of Huaqing Palace.

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
Chinese Name (Wang Li 王李)
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Xi'An, Shaanxi, China
Level 8

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

Nice post after long time @Mo-TravelleerX seems to busy in making podcast voice clip 😀 BTW nice voice clip i listen & enjoy, topic is superb, & i also mention transport facility accessibility in remote Area.



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Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs


Great post and great photos @Mo-TravelleerX.  It hit 34deg here today but sure looks cold there. I have to ask you this, are there in restrictions on you a foreigner taking photos in your China travels?

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Level 9

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@ShailendraOjha Yeah, I was busy a little the last couple of days due to studying and other things. I was happy to visit that place, which is ancient, as I like to show the world more about Chinese old culture. I am also glad that right now I live in one of the oldest cities in China, which is rich with very old ancient places.

Yeah, I am glad I had time to record that audio clip to participate in Let'sGuide Podcast.

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
Chinese Name (Wang Li 王李)
Follow me: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube

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My 2 Years of Experience as a Google Local Guide

My 3 Years Journey as a Google Local Guide in Egypt and China
Level 9

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@AdamGT SO far, there are no restrictions, Chinese children are always happy to see foreigners and try to talk with some English words, I can walk freely in any place and take videos and photos, especially in Temples which are respected places for every religion around the world.

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
Chinese Name (Wang Li 王李)
Follow me: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube

My Greatest Articles:
My 2 Years of Experience as a Google Local Guide

My 3 Years Journey as a Google Local Guide in Egypt and China
Level 7

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

Ik heb ergens gelezen dat lotusbloemen geuren, maar kan me niks bij die geur voorstellen. Mbt. de geuren en dergelijke, u schrijft dat het een feest voor de zintuigen was om daar rond te dwalen, maar uit uw uitgebreide verslag kan ik daar geen voeling mee krijgen, omdat u ze niet benoemt of beschrijft. Misschien is het ook goed om de Tangdynastie en de keizers die u benoemde in de tijd te situeren? Ik denk dat ik niet de enige ben die nu de draad kwijt is qua situering in de tijd. Update: Bedankt dat u deze info aan uw tekst toegevoegd hebt. Nog een vraagje: waren er veel vogels te horen in de tuinen? Was het er eerder stil of hoorde u steeds het geklater van water of het borrelen van die bronnen?

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Level 8

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@Mo-TravelleerX que genial el post. las fotos son geniales. me resulto mega interesante lo de las agua termales.saludos  

Level 9

Betreff: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@Mo-TravelleerX ein sehr interessanter und ausführlicher Bericht mit schönen Bildern, davon hätte ich mir noch mehr gewünscht 

Level 9

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@KattyGeltmeyer I have added more details to the post.

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
Chinese Name (Wang Li 王李)
Follow me: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube

My Greatest Articles:
My 2 Years of Experience as a Google Local Guide

My 3 Years Journey as a Google Local Guide in Egypt and China
Level 9

Re: A Day at the Huaqing Palace: Timeless Tales and Thermal Springs

@Maximilianozalazar Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed the post and the photos. The hot springs at Huaqing Palace truly are a fascinating aspect of its history and allure. They've been revered for centuries for their healing properties and have attracted countless visitors, including emperors and poets. It's my pleasure to share such captivating details about this remarkable place. 

Mohamed Ahmed (Mo-TravelleerX)
Chinese Name (Wang Li 王李)
Follow me: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube

My Greatest Articles:
My 2 Years of Experience as a Google Local Guide

My 3 Years Journey as a Google Local Guide in Egypt and China