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Level 10

360° in a fabric shop


As a local guide, I upload photos and videos. One of my contributions here is uploading 360 ° photos using a mobile phone and SVTP application. One that I have uploaded is a 360 ° photo at one of the fabric shops in my city. You can see clearly the arrangement of the fabrics with the motifs and colors that are arranged quite neatly.


This is my 360° photo:


How about you? Bagaimana dengan kalian?




and also, dan juga






Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge
Kudus, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Level 10

Bls: 360° in a fabric shop

Hi, @Chirag_686 🖐️. As a tailor, have you upload 360° photos at a fabric shop or other shop? 

Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge
Level 10

Bls: 360° in a fabric shop

Thank you @dailyharun and @Anonymous 🙏

Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge
Level 10
Level 10

Re: 360° in a fabric shop

Hello @Irfan_dPriyanto 

Did you use some attachment or the photosphere option in the camera app?

Level 7

Bls: 360° in a fabric shop

hallo @Irfan_dPriyanto 

terima kasih telah membagikan hasil foto 360-nya sedikit saran sari saya dikarenakan lokasi terlalu padat sehingga kita tidak bisa explore kesluruhan lokasinya, saran saja harus di tempat yang agak jauh dari objek pakaiannya sehingga banyak pilihan yang dilihat

Terima kasih

Level 10

Re: 360° in a fabric shop

Yes, @C_T . I' m using some attachment in SVTP app and have to turn around to make it.

Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge
Level 10

Bls: 360° in a fabric shop

Iya terima kasih juga mas @360bymiftah sarannya😃 . Saat itu memang aku agak malu-malu ngambil foto 360° begitu, jadi ngambilnya di tempat agak tertutup dan jarang dilewati orang.

Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge
Level 10

Re: 360° in a fabric shop

Wah keren ya upload 360 degree photo dengan kamera biasa 

Mantab @Irfan_dPriyanto 

Tag (@BudiFXW) in your post or comment, I will happily to connect with you.
Level 10

Re: 360° in a fabric shop

Oke terima kasih pak @BudiFXW 😁

Irfan Endri Priyanto
Local Guide from Indonesia
Earned five master badge