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20 things you must know when traveling

10 Food Items That You Must Try If You Visit India

Visit India

Traveller or a foodie? Visit India? You are at the right place! Food is something that no one can be mad at. Even when we are in a terrible mood, a tasty plate-filled delicacy can enlighten our mood. Even the ones, who refuse to eat when mad, end up regretting later on. Right?

There are people who are always on SEE-food diet lol. Okay, so without writing about the obvious I’m going to tell you about some must try food items. If you are an Indian or you ever visit India then you definitely need to eat them. Trust me, you will be delighted!

Keep reading to know about these must-try stuffs!

1. Gol – Gappe.
If you’re an Indian, you will know why I kept this at the top. When street food is spoken about, Gol – Gappe comes to mind first. This food has no time, place or mood. If you have it once, you will crave for more. Made of  Read More