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Level 9

Betreff: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia T

@plavarda sehr schöner Beitrag und die Bilder haben mir sehr gut gefallen, besonders die Meeresbilder, denn wenn hier Schnee vom Himmel fällt ist die Sehnsucht besonders groß 

Level 9

Betreff: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia T

Dear @Annaelisa where are you that you see snow? Here in Italy, with climate changes, it becomes increasingly difficult to see snow! Just today January 17th, but 39 years ago, in my city which is near Venice, there were 80 cm of snow, something exceptional and we had reached -20 degrees centigrade. Since then it has snowed less, and for 3 years we haven't seen a snowflake fall from the sky and now the temperature almost never drops below zero. Last year practically never, not even at night, this year it only dropped to 2 degrees below zero last weekend. The climate has indeed changed. I'm happy that my photos convey to you some of the warmth of the sun of our splendid south! A big hug from Italy.


Level 9

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

Dear friend @TravellerG what you say is very right, feelings must be expressed and not repressed using the right delicacy in saying it, and eastern philosophies are life teachers in this. My guru always reminds me of a Thai motto: "Always give three praises before giving a reproach", great truth, who knows what the world would be like if we all followed this wisdom? A big hug my friend



Level 9

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

Dear @AnubhaBangia I'm happy you liked my stories and photographs. By now I have created an excellent collection of travel stories and I feel the desire to do more bicycle trips and be able to talk even more about the adventures and places I encounter. Hopefully we still have time in this life to travel again, sadly my age isn't that young anymore, although in my mind I feel like I'm in my twenties! A big hug from Italy



Level 9

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

Te lo auguro di cuore @DENIT33, a parte qualche tratto un po' pericoloso, ho trovato strade abbastanza tranquille. Conoscendo bene i luoghi quelle più pericolose bisognerebbe percorrerle di sabato e domenica nell'ora di pranzo, potresti stare tranquilla che non troveresti anima viva per strada!!!

Un forte abbraccio


Level 9

Betreff: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia T

@plavarda ich bin im Norden von Deutschland in der kleinen sehenswerten Stadt Eckernförde und soviel Schnee haben wir üblicherweise auch nicht. Dieses Jahr haben aber schon mehrere Schneephasen

und in ganz Deutschland herrscht zudem Schnee oder Glatteis Chaos.

Level 9

Betreff: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia T

Dear @Annaelisa 

I passed near your city in 2019 during our summer car/bicycle tour "Fairytale trip". Returning from Denmark we slept in Flensburg and then headed towards Bremen and then towards the Weser valley. If you want to see my report of that adventure here is the one from the  Flensburg and Lubeck  stop. 

And here you can find many trips and many photos all my trips 

I understand very well the hardships you have to endure, but the poetry of the snow near the sea must be incredible and give peace and silence to heal the soul and body. Obviously, if you have to go to work and have to deal with icy roads, you remain behind the wheel with a lot of tension, and all this is certainly not good for the spirit or even the mind. We hope that everything will be over very soon and that you will return to normality. A warm hug from Italy.


Level 10

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

Hola Paolo, pero que etapa tan variada, en terrenos que se con algunos tramos complicados. Como siempre un excelente relato con fotografías excelentes. Imagino que andar en una ruta tan estrecha y con el tren bien cerca, no debe ser nada fácil, y remontar esa altura, tal vez, no tan pronunciada como prolongada, tampoco.

En cuanto a esas cinco mujeres, que resultaron ser médicas; es tan grande nuestra capacidad de estereotipar (y es muy malo hacerlo) que cinco mujeres solas, en un restaurante a la vera del camino; "vaya uno a saber en qué andan)

Somos casi todos iguales, si no están dentro de nuestros cánones, viste de manera diferente y están fueron de nuestros estereotipo, es suficiente para que nuestro pensamiento se disparé.

Perdón por la perorata 

Un abrazo fuerte desde Uruguay 🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾

Carlos Alonso Giménez
Level 8

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

what a beautiful day, picture, weather, experience & story.

Thanks for sharing @plavarda 

Soykot Azam, Greetings from Sonargaon-Bangladesh.
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Level 7

Re: 18th stage of my great bicycle tour of Italy from north to south. From Cetraro to Lametia Terme.

Truly agree that we are travelling and sharing stories @plavarda Sir! Travel Desires are never ending, sometimes health does not permit but yes passion for travel keep us going! Age is just a number Sir! Thank you for all your wonderful travel shares! Best of Wishes for future travel and adventures! Regards Sir!