JoshuaR1232345's post
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Level 10

help Google, help us Clean up the map.

I think it would be great to start a conversation about ways in which we could help Google, help us Clean up the map.

Some of my suggestions would be …

  • Reviews…
    1. Problem: It often takes a lot of scrolling and sometimes through reviews that might not make much sense or might be out of date to get the general idea of what a place is about. 
    2. Solution: A summarized review basically local google guides can scroll through the reviews and summarize what they have read. That summary review will be promoted to the first review. There will be just one summary review. That summary review will be made fresh through a system of contribution voting. i.e. I summarize a coffee shop, another google guide could edit my review through a collaboration or they could create their very own summary review. When you have competing summary reviews you hit the take it to a vote button where 41 local guides are asked to contribute with a vote. The highest ranking summary takes the top spot.
  • Photos…
    1. Problem: Photos in the stream can be blurred, corked, to close up to understand what your looking at
    2. Solution: More collaborative photo clean up capability. Give us the ability to easily in app mark photos for archive. Basically local guides can swipe through pictures and if they see some that they think should be removed…mark it for archive and they have to give select a reason why from a drop down (to blurry, wrong location…). If 20 people select it for archive then it’s removed from the stream. You don’t need to take anyone’s points away just clean up the experience for everyone.

What are some of your ideas?