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Level 10

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

Hi @LucioV

We all can attending this meet up although Maranggi is so far from Bandung City, we have to spend 2 hours on train

We are all safe, we do our best for this world wide food crawl meet up after earthquake we can feel it around Java Island.

Warm Regards

Level 8

Bls: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

Meet up food crawl keren karena di adakan di luar kota Bandung, naik kereta api rombongan dari stasiun bandung, lalu makan siang di kampung sate maranggi Plered Purwakarta, Josss Mantap , maaf pak host saya nasinya nambah hehehe .... 

terimakasih buat host @AgoesSantosa udah support dan ngadain event kali ini,  juga temen temen BLG yang hadir, Jakarta Local Guides terima kasih sudah datang dan gabung dengan kami.


Seperti biasanya seru dan fun



Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

@SeptarinaH wrote:

#2 Post with English Language

Thanks to @nova_aganiovich for translating


Halo Indonesia!


Previously, at 17th December 2017, Bandung Local Guides has successfully held a foodcrawl meet-up at Kampoeng Maranggi, in Plered District, Purwakarta. This event is also as a support and participation of Bandung Local Guides to the agenda of World Wide Foodcrawl which is initiated by @BudionoS


Kampoeng Maranggi is located outside of Bandung region, which is Purwakarta. Well, this place is chosen to be the venue of this foodcrawl since it has the authentic cuisine named Maranggi Satay. That's why, we held this meet up here to find out the authentic taste of Maranggi Satay. This event was started at 10.30 (+7 GMT). One by one member of Bandung Local Guides came to Bandung south station and bought one local train ticket to Plered station, using Cibatu-Purwakarta line. At 11.20 (+7 GMT), all of us went inside the departure hall and waited for the train untill 12.20 (+7 GMT). 

Waiting train arrival to PleredWaiting train arrival to Plered


This journey takes about two hours long and we arrived at Plered Station at 14.14 (+7 GMT).

Enjoy the journey to Plered StationEnjoy the journey to Plered Station


Some participants took time playing Ludo to fill the entertainment during the tripSome participants took time playing Ludo to fill the entertainment during the trip


After arriving at Plered station we took some groufie photos first in front of Plered station board. Then, we continued our journey on foot for less than five minutes since Kampoeng Maranggi is exactly located next to the Plered station. Then, we reserved one Maranggi Satay stand and order the satays.

Take a moment's photo at Plered stationTake a moment's photo at Plered station


In Kampoeng Maranggi, there are several satay stands and looked like exactly the same; the shape, the design, and the table placement. Here, the price of one plate of Maranggi Satay is quite cheap. In one plate, we can get 10 satay sticks. IDR 15,000 for one plate of satay, IDR 3,000 for one plate of rice, and IDR 15,000 for one bowl of beef soup. Then, we ordered 23 portions of satay and rice, and 10 bowls of beef soup. Uniquely, Maranggi satay has different taste from other satays, since it is not poured with nut sauce, but it is poured with sweet soy sauce.

Sate Maranggi ready to eatSate Maranggi ready to eat


Pickles and soy saucePickles and soy sauce


Well, having Maranggi satay in Kampoeng Maranggi is quite comfortable. the place is clean and the parking lot is quite wide. it is aalso easy to be noticed by the vehicle on the street. Not only Maranggi satay, in this place, there are also several other menus, including juices and friend rice. Then, in each stand, the customer sits surround the satay seller and thus, the customer will smell the mouthwashing smoke of Maranggi satay. Though, for those who don't like the smoke, there is also floor-seating on the corner. Moreover, the architecture design of the building is designed with the authentic Purwakarta design.

Enjoy culinary sate MaranggiEnjoy culinary sate Maranggi


After enjoying the culinary Sate MaranggiAfter enjoying the culinary Sate MaranggiSigns meetup Bandung Local Guides at one corner of the table Kampoeng MaranggiSigns meetup Bandung Local Guides at one corner of the table Kampoeng Maranggi


After one hour, having lunch, when we were heading to Plered station to buy the ticket back to Bandung station at 16.20 (+7 GMT), we took many groufie photos since we had a special guests @RahmatHarmanP and @SuhandiWidjaja from Jakarta Local Guides, and also our beloved captain, @SriSedono_id.


Moreover, this meeting was also attended by our Bandung Local Guides stars, Mr. @PaDeSSo and Mr. @AgoesSantosa.

Mr. Dedi Sopandi and Mr. Agoes SantosaMr. Dedi Sopandi and Mr. Agoes Santosa

Thus, in total, the meet up was attended by 19 persons.


@that's all of the recap for @Kampoeng Maranggi foodcrawl meet-up from Bandung Local Guides. Thanks also to all the participants who have been present and also provide photo activities during the event. Hopefully it will raise your spirit up in giving your further contribution.


Photo Album

Thank you so much @Septarina_HFor the best Recap, I am proud to be a member of Bandung Local Guides.

Finally we can meet up for World Wide Foodcrawl Meet Up 2017.

I am very happy and verry very happy for all anttender, for all Bandung Local Guides, Jakarta Local Guides Mr. @SuhandiWidjajaand @RahmatHarmanP For joining with us, and @PaDeSSo Finally we meet in real. @SriSedono_id With the big family.

Thank you, thank you thank you very much for successing this meet up.


Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

@Septarina_H Terima kasih banyak sudah membuat Rekap World Wide Foodcrawl Meet Up at Kampoeng Maranggi.

Bersyukur acara berjalan sukses dan semua peserta bergembira, bahagia tidak mengenal lelah. Acara yang penuh kekeluargaan dan kekompakan yang harus tetap dijaga dan dilestarikan. Recap kali ini sangat bagus dengan dua bahasa, saya sangat menyukai ini.

@Septarina_H Terima kasih banyak, juga M. Fachry yang tak mengenal lelah menyemangati rekan rekan BLG, Bandung Local Guides.

Terima kasih kepada rekan rekan Bandung Local Guides yang sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk hadir di acara kami. Terima kasih pula kepada Local Guides Jakarta yang sudah bergabung pula dengan kami. 

Special thank to :

@PaDeSSo@SriSedono_id@SuhandiWidjaja@RahmatHarmanP Thank you so much for attending in our meet up.

Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi


Akhirnya kita bisa bertemu secara langsung. Saya sangat merasa senang dan bahagia bisa bertemu anda. 

Meet ini berjalan lancar dan sukses berkat kekompakan dan kegigihan rekan rekan anggota Bandung Local Guudes BLG yang telah bekerja keras dan meluangkan banyak waktu untuk bersama sama hadir di acara ini. 

Semoga di meet up meet up mendatang selalu meningkat dan selalu semakin sukses.


Level 10

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

Congratulation Mr. @AgoesSantosa  for your support, You raise us up to share and help each other

You have done more than I can be, so we have to keep this good spirit to reach next goal better


Well Done

Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

@LucioVThank you 

I hope you can join us at kampoeng maranggi.

Your meet up is very nice. Always wow like @ErmesT Said. 

This is my fisrt  meet up as a host, I am proud have good team in Bandung Local Guides or BLG.

Good Jobs team.

Level 8

Bls: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi

Tadinya saya gak mau ikutan meetup. Tapi koq penasaran dengan sate maranggi, terus terang saya belum pernah makan sate maranggi. Cuma denger aja, temen atau kakak cerita makan sate maranggi di Cikampek. Pas ketemuan sama @RahmatHarmanP di Epicentrum Kuningan, dia ngajakin ikut Food Crawl. Saya langsung meng iyakan, pertama karena pengen nyicipin sate maranggi, kedua karena ingin ketemu dengan mas @AgoesSantosa, beliau sudah membantu saya mencari penginapan di pekalongan buat tanggal 24 des nanti.

Makasih buat mas @AgoesSantosa dan Bandung Local Guides yang sudah mengadakan Food Crawl di Kampoeng Maranggi. Ternyata sate maranggi rasanya mirip dengan sate kambing dan saya suka dengan bumbu kecap. Andaikan tidak jauh, mungkin saya bisa sering mampir beli sate maranggi.

Makasih juga buat mbak @Septarina_H yang sudah membuat Recap.


Salam Local Guides


Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi


Terima kasih banyak atas waktunya berkenan hadir dengan segenap keluarga, saya merasa sangat bahagia dan terharu. 

Bersyukur acara berjalan lancar dan sukses.


Level 8

Re: [RECAP] WORLD WIDE FOOD CRAWL Bandung Local Guides @Kampoeng Maranggi


Terima kasih sudah berkenan hadir di rekap kami, secara keseluruhan acara berjalan lancar dan sukses seperti yang kami harapkan. Kami sangat bersyukur sekali.

Dan inilah hasil yang bisa kami recap kan untuk penyelenggaraan World Wide Foodcrawl meet up kali ini.

Salam sukses selalu

Terima kasih