Te Henga Walkway

Haha! Thank you so much for viewing! @user_not_found

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@mockata2 Thank you - the nature’s wonder is just beyond words. To see is to believe. Please come to visit NZ one day when you can:)


That’s so awesome. There is a big Indian community here. I am sharing another photo specially with you @TusharSuradkar


Thanks for the photo @OliverKIWI

That bridal costume is from just one of the hundreds of communities in India and they look quite different in many respects.

This model shows the bridal costume of the community I belong to. She’s wearing a saree and a blouse while in the photo you shared is wearing a lehenga which is a single-piece suit.

There are many variations, sharing for you:






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Wow! How nice! Thank you for sharing the pic and let me know more about the colorful costumes.

I took the photo two years ago. The bride was actually from Fiji:) @TusharSuradkar

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Thanks @OliverKIWI

That is right, Indians are settled in more than 100 countries with a significant population.

~Greetings from New Delhi

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Hi @OliverKIWI
Congratulation on New Zealand’s victory over COVID-19 and well done on you now venturing out and what better place to visit than the Walkway Trail. No doubt you left some footprints but certainly took some amazing photos! Are the pickles on the plants edible? Also, your son has an amazing double shadow :wink:

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@TusharSuradkar Yes, I have a lot of good Indian friends:)


Haha! It’s prick:)

I think we will have a trans-Tasman bubble in July. I heard you can buy $99 ticket to Mel or Syd.

The shadow was me! Nothing escapes your eyes! @AdamGT

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Yes have heard about the possibilty of atrans-Tasman bubble. Would be great for trans-Tasman tourism. I might even be tempted to visit yet again :wink: It’s like when looking at a painting or the architecture of a building, while you do need to see and consider the overall picture, one should also try to understand the smaller details like for example, the meaning, if any, of the gargoyles on a cathedral or church.

Hi @OliverKIWI

Beautiful post and beautiful pictures.

I hope everithing Is fine

I really Hope to visit also New Zealand One day

Here my previous post

Keep safe and Regards


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@Giuseppe7980 Thank you for viewing - so glad you like these! Please do come to NZ when you have chance:)


Bro, peep in that first photo and see a Crocodile rearing its head into the water…

Angelo! Good to see you, Please enjoy some day out with Papa.

Wow! this is simply breath-taking @OliverKIWI

How do you get to travel this much?

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Luckily we are in the lowest level of lock down - so we can have a little bit fun now:) @Ewaade_3A


totally amazing. Love it, @OliverKIWI


@OliverKIWI even if you are lockdown, I still think you have better position since NZ is more nature than human. You are lucky!

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Thank you bro:) @AshokPatel


Yes, I reckon :slightly_smiling_face: @Sophia_Cambodia

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@OliverKIWI Wow, this place is so beautiful and your photos are stunning. Again, my usual question, is there any public transportation to this place?


@Ant_Bad_Yogi Unfortunately no. You can either hire a car, uber or join a tour group:)