Recap: [Hybrid] India, January 05, Tracking Treasures: A Local Guides Adventure at Indroda Nature Park - LG10 Meet-up

My first meetup with the Local Guide Team was absolutely amazing! Everyone was so welcoming and inclusive that it felt like I’ve known them for a long time. It was a great connect and feel positive energy & enthusiasm from everyone. A big Thanks to @NareshDarji and @KetanChhaniyara for the well-organized and structured event🙌
#NewYear #NewMonth #NewWeekend with great people. Learned, captured lots of beautiful momentous…:writing_hand:t4:


I’m so happy to hear you had such a wonderful first meetup!


Thank you so much for your kind words again! :blush::pray:

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Vielen lieben Dank für deine herzlichen Worte @Annaelisa ! :blush::pray:
Es freut mich sehr, dass dir die Zusammenfassung und die Bilder aus dem wunderschönen Indroda Park gefallen haben. :camera_flash:
Die Unterstützung von tollen Menschen wie dir macht solche Treffen unvergesslich!


Thank you so much for your wonderful words @NituGogoi ! :blush::raised_hands:
I’m so glad you felt welcomed and connected with everyone - it’s exactly the kind of positive energy we hoped for! :sparkles: It was a pleasure organizing this with @NareshDarji, and amazing Local Guides like you made it truly special. It was pleasure to host you and I’m glad that my first meet-up was inspiring for you.
Looking forward to creating more memorable moments together! :camera_flash::handshake:


Your most welcome dear, @KetanChhaniyara

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Thanks you so much @NareshDarji :pray:

Thank you so much @KetanChhaniyara :pray:

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Thanks you @KetanChhaniyara It amazing meet-up i enjoy virtually so many new people join this meet-up @NareshDarji and you can arrange best meet-up in 2025 start


Thank you @Mukund_hirapara for joining virtually and for your kind words!

Wonderful photos and videos. It seems you all enjoyed it a lot. I will try to connect with you all soon we have our great mentor and meet-up champion @NareshDarji he is always with us to guide us. we have a food party as ubadiyu (local winter season food )please do come on 2nd Feb
Regards Tejal


Yes @Tejal we enjoyed a lot. Thank you for joining virtually and sharing your kind wishes!