@tony_b , @TerryPG
@WilfriedB , @StevenBerlin
Featured Photos
I have always considered “Featured Photos” to refer to the top 10 photos in a POI’s gallery.
I have always used “Cover Photo” or “#1 Photo” for the first photo (or video) in the gallery.
Nowadays I try to use “Image” instead of “Photo” because so many are now videos.
I believe this thread has had some discussion about the difference between pre and post February 6, 2024 image counts. Before the “Glitch or the New Normal” I had always felt that the number of views was much higher than made sense. Sure it felt great to have all these supposed views, but it always felt a little unrealistic to me. I once posted a photo of a coffee cart in Brattleboro, VT. late in the evening. The next morning it had over 2,000 views. Brattleboro only has 12,000 people so did 16% of them look for a coffee because they couldn’t sleep?
Regarding the post February image counts, here are my stats
Item | 01/31/2024 | 2024-10-30 | Delta | Delta % | views per day Jan-Oct |
Photo views | 43,884,055 | 52,913,510 | 9,029,455 | 20.58% | 33,075 |
Star photo views | 3,017,444 | 3,017,748 | 304 | 0.01% | 1 |
Video views | 5,014,056 | 11,184,759 | 6,170,703 | 123.07% | 22,603 |
Star video views | 968,809 | 1,152,979 | 184,170 | 19.01% | 675 |
I feel fine about these numbers. I feel that the effort I put into adding images to Maps is worth it.
In writing this up I realize I’ve lost my zeal to do all kinds of number crunching related to my images performance.