Can We Earn from Google Maps? The Most Frequently Asked Question - A Podcast

Yes @RaviSharma111 , we tried to explain that we can earn money by using Google maps in right way, like we can add a business if we have any, and update it regularly.
But some people wants instant money like other social media.
Thanks for your feedback :pray:t3:

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Hi @AZ_2021 , in more than 30 media appearances like podcast, morning shows on national TV channels , documentaries, talk shows etc, we always try explain the true soul of local guides program, and sometimes we feel so proud that many people like these messages and follow what we want to share.
Btw Thank you so much for your kind words :pray:t3:

Terima kasih @indahnuria :pray:t3:
Yes, we all try in our capacity to spread our knowledge and beautiful messages of local guides program to everyone, especially those who don’t know about the benefits of contributions to google maps, and that’s I experienced very very well in my Indonesia visit, that how you guys doing such a fantastic job.
Again thank you so much , and thanks for everything my friend :heart_eyes:

I give the best attention possibly to your posts and contributions, dear Kashif Ji…
You are always welcome…