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Level 8

Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

The Islamic Holy month of Ramadan has begun.

Read on to find out more about what Muslims do during this month.



During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won't eat or drink between dawn and sunset.This is called fasting.

Fasting is important during Ramadan as it allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith and come closer to Allah or God.

Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which form the basis of how Muslims live their lives. The other pillars are faith, prayer, charity and making the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

Ramadan is also a time for spiritual reflection, prayer, doing good deeds and spending time with family and friends.

People will make a special effort to connect with their communities and reach out to people who need help.

It's is common to have a meal ( known as the suhoor) just before dawn and another (known as the iftar) directly after sunset.

At the office fast - when the sun has gone down - families and friends will get together for iftar to break their fast. 

Many Muslims also go to the mosque to pray.

There is a special three-day festival to mark the end of Ramadan. This is called Eid al-Fitr - the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast.

Muslims will not only celebrate the end of fasting, but will also thank Allah for the help and strength the he gave them throughout the previous month.

Often children are given presents and New clothes.


This is all about Ramzan, this information I have found in Google.


Ramzan Mubarak for all my Muslim Local Guides.

Bengaluru Local Guide
Former Google Contributor

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Hi @SJasourH98,


Happy Ramadan to you and to all Locall Guides who celebrate!


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Level 8

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Hello @KatyaL 

Thank you for applying, I'm truly great and also sorry for the photo.

Bengaluru Local Guide
Level 8

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

@SJasourH98 Thank you so  much for this post and Ramadan Karim to you too 😊😊😊

Level 7

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan


Thanks you for this post

Remain strong for ramadan

Take Care

Level 6

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan


God bless us.

Islam is a great religion.

I'm chrestianin and sincerely glad of such reposts, in wich you can more learn about this religion.

Write more about it. Very interesting.

Thanks you. 

С благодарностью.
Level 8

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Just I read your great content about Ramadan and it's procedures, the food habits etc, @SJasourH98 

The post is much helpful to know about it, for other religious LG's like me.

Thanks for sharing your valuable post @SJasourH98 👍

Level 7

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Great explaination of islam.


Is there a typo in the photo

Ramzan. Should it be Ramazan.


Or is that how you spell it in your language

Level 8

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Thank you @AshTravel 

Bengaluru Local Guide
Level 8

Re: Local Guides Celebrating Ramzan

Thanks @Stari 

Bengaluru Local Guide