Svivek397's post
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Level 8

Introduce Yourself - May 2017

As "Introduce Yourself" threads get quite long, we start new ones regularly and lock the old ones. Be sure to check the old threads to see who already joined and where they are from (simply search "Introduce Yourself"). If you're new, please use this thread to post your "I'm new" or "Hello world" posts. We will move any we find into here to keep the site organized. 


Hi everyone!


Welcome to Local Guides Connect.   Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the community. To start, let me introduce myself -


Name: Vivek Kumar Shukla

Location: Madhya Pradesh, India

What do I love about being a Local Guide: A single contribution from a Local Guide on Google Maps can help users around the world make informed decisions that could result in a wonderful experience.

Amazing! I love to share: I love to share photos so that other Local Guides can see the world through my eyes.

How did I hear about Local Guides: I was sharing a review of a place on Google Maps and was prompted to join Local Guides.

Fun Fact About Me:  I love photography and hoped that I could be a nature photographer next time. That’s me attempting to shoot a quoits that sneaked up on me!








Vivek Kumar Shukla