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Guiding Stars

Pritish B.

Pritish B.

Level 8 • Kolkata, India

Pritish has taken action this year to help those around him and people across the globe. Active on both Google Maps and Connect, Pritish assists others in so many ways—from keeping the Local Guides community connected online to helping those in his own community—that we almost couldn't find a category for him.

"During lockdown in March due to COVID-19 this year, I came to know about the Connect forum and about quality contributions on Google Maps," he told us. "After joining the virtual meet-ups, I came across a lot of Local Guides from all over the world and have made great friends. This has completely given me a new life."

In partnership with his friends, Pritish launched a campaign on Connect to encourage food donations for needy families in India during COVID-19. It quickly spread across social media so they were able to help more people than they initially thought they could reach. "First, we arranged money and basic items ourselves and went to distribute the commodities. Soon after, we realized there were many more needy people. So, we requested donations from people on social media and we got a huge response," he told us. "The smile we got in return was the real reward for us."

He also writes helpful reviews, detailing accessibility information in nearly every one. He's hosted multiple virtual meet-ups, building community and educating fellow Local Guides on how they can create meaningful contributions on Google Maps. Through it all, he remains incredibly dedicated to helping people and making the world a better place for others.

Want to learn more about this incredible Local Guide? Check out their contributions on Google Maps and follow their profile on Connect.