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Uploading a photo on Connect? Read these guidelines first

We encourage you to share your photography whenever you write a post on Connect. We love learning more about your experiences and seeing your amazing photos. 


However, when you share images on Connect, they must meet the requirements below.


Only upload your original photos or photos you have permission to post


The photos you share should either be original photos that you've taken as the photographer or ones that you have the right to share with permission from the copyright holder. Do not post images that infringe on any copyright or that you don't have permission to share.


Caption: A photo of the Connect upload tool with a photo of Ipanema Beach and mountain range. (Getty Images)Caption: A photo of the Connect upload tool with a photo of Ipanema Beach and mountain range. (Getty Images)

Choose photos that are relevant to your post


Photos you share on Connect should clearly relate to the subject or topic you are writing about. Local Guides that participate on Connect are currently limited to 1,500 photos uploads, so be mindful of how many you are uploading. For tips on uploading images on Connect to stay within the limit, check out this helpful post. If you’ve already reached your 1,500 upload limit, read this post on how to manage your photos.


Caption: A screenshot of two posts on Connect: “How to take photos for campers” and “Photo of the week: City Palace by Сергей Серебряков.”Caption: A screenshot of two posts on Connect: “How to take photos for campers” and “Photo of the week: City Palace by Сергей Серебряков.”
Include a caption and credit


After you add a photo to your post, add a simple descriptive caption to explain exactly what you see in the photo as well as photo credit. The descriptive caption will help our readers using assistive technology experience the photos you share.

For example, the photo below taken by Local Guide Meng He would be captioned, “Caption: A photo of a blue sky reflected in windows of a building. (Local Guide Meng He)”


Caption: A photo of a blue sky reflected in windows of a building. (Local Guide Meng He)Caption: A photo of a blue sky reflected in windows of a building. (Local Guide Meng He)

Pay attention to these file properties:


    • Landscape or horizontal layout (more wide than tall) will generally look better than portrait or vertical layout (more tall than wide).
    • Although photos are sometimes displayed as smaller thumbnails elsewhere in Connect, photos you add to post need to be 1000 pixels in width.
    • No single photo file may exceed 3,072KB (kilobytes) in file size. If it is larger than this, you will need to resize it.
    • Photos should be good quality. Not blurry, out of focus, or otherwise difficult to view.

For tips on improving your photographing skills, check out the Photography board on Connect.

Former Google Contributor

Hey @AshimKBiswas,


I am moving your post to the thread @ErmesT has thoughtfully shared. Make sure to read the useful information provided there.

Due to the volume of private messages Googlers receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Thank you!
Level 7
No single photo file may exceed 3,072KB (kilobytes) in file size. If it is larger than this, you will need to resize it. Big problem. The system need to auto resize, not by person.
Level 8

hi all
Level 6

Thank you 😊

Level 9

Hi @Keeyyang25

Did you read the post I did a few days ago? I had the same problem as you and I still can not solve it. I used the imagesmaller program to decrease the size of the photo, but I could not solve the issue of the correct position of the photo, when I upload to this site, the photos come in the wrong position. Were you able to solve this problem?

Level 6

Tras un tiempo sin "deambular" por estos lares, al acceder al correo me he topado con un email que me ha llamado la atención por los modos u formas de responder a una Persona que, al parecer, está en su derecho de errar; nadie goza de la perfección absoluta,.

Estimado Sr.  @ermest ...

La problemática de comunicarnos con texto, sin que exista tono de voz, gestos, etc., es muy dado a malas interpretaciones, pero ello no le da derecho a implantar respuestas un tanto "agresivas", tanto es así, que nadie jamás debe pedirle perdón por un acto tan humano como equivocarse. Su prepotencia, falta de sutiliza, su creencia que por disponer de conocimientos está por encima de nuestros Iguales, y otros matices que prefiero obviar... a mí, sinceramente, me deja anonadado y, por supuesto, uno que no es maestro de nada; aunque haya dado soporte en Google y Microsoft... jamás podría estar en esta "comunidad" con Personas, (sean de google o del vaticano), que carezcan de la más nimia sutileza para con sus Hermanos...!

Por favor, desde ya Sr. @ermest le pido DISCULPAS en caso de que mi misiva haya podido ofenderle; DISCULPE...!

Para concluir, no se tome la molestia de responderme; o hágalo... pero no espere que entre en su "juego", ¿he sido claro?... Ruego tenga más tacto con Personas que no son chips... tienen sentimientos, aunque, como no soy maestro de nada, Ud. haga lo que considere oportuno..... HE CONCLUIDO...!

Estimados compañeros de travesía, estáis en vuestro derecho de equivocaros, y sobre todo, de que nadie (sea quien sea) os "ridiculice" con un absurdo léxico que, eso sí está fuera de lugar, no el error de una PERSONA...!

Recibid un afectuoso saludo 😉

Atentamente, MJ.Bustelo

"No somos lo que hacemos ni lo que pensamos, tan sólo somos la huella que dejamos"
Connect Moderator

Gentile @MJBustelo

per evitare equivoci di espressione le risponderò nella mia lingua.

La ringrazio per avere richiamato alla mia attenzione una risposta che a suo avviso è stata non appropriata, e me ne scuso fin d'ora. Rispondo, come gli altri moderatori, a numerosi post al giorno, perciò mi farebbe piacere avere da lei delle indicazioni più precise, in modo da comprendere di quale risposta si tratta.

La cosa bella di questa community è proprio il rapporto tra persone, tutte hanno il diritto di sbagliare (compresi i moderatori) e tutte hanno il diritto di essere rispettate. Se ho mancato di rispetto a qualcuno, le  chiedo di farmi sapere dove, e, nel caso, mi scuserò. Se la conversazione a cui Lei fa riferimento non si trova in questo topic, la prego cortesemente di rispondermi nel post in cui si trova la conversazione. Per ottenere il link accurato al post, basta fare click sui tre puntini blu del post a cui fa riferimento, fare click su "Permalink" e successivamente copiare l'URL del post nella barra in alto nel browser.

Per essere certo di ricevere la sua notifica, le chiedo di citarmi utilizzando il simbolo @ selezionando o digitando  poi il mio username. La modalità che lei ha utilizzato, copiando il tag da un altro post, non invia infatti notifiche, ed è un puro caso che io abbia letto il suo cortese ma fermo commento.


Cordiali saluti



Level 6
"A la Atte.: Sr. ermest

Aunque indiqué no entrar en su "juego", por respeto a su persona, le responderé brevemente.

- A veces se ha de "leer entre líneas" para si quiera tener que preguntar... ¿Quién le ha pedido Perdón por errar? Disculpe no hacer mención a la referida Persona, con una sola vez que le hagan sentir mal con una respuesta fuera de lugar; rotunda... es suficiente.

- Imagine, si le viene a bien, siete años en soporte Google, (5) y Microsof, (2)... miles de Personas atendidas. Le comprendo, pero reitero, si no se siente capacitado por tal "avalancha", descanse, le vendrá bien.

- Por último, francamente y desde la modestia, le Agradezco las instrucciones que tanto me han aleccionado en mi profesión; Nuevas Tecnologías... GRACIAS...!

Sin acritud, un atento Saludo.... FIN !

Atentamente, (sin @) ...  MJBustelo

ACOTACIÓN: Redacte en html como este post y de formato y espaciado al texto; le vendrá bien 😉
"No somos lo que hacemos ni lo que pensamos, tan sólo somos la huella que dejamos"
Level 6

@JoãoFranco I managed to resize the photo using my computer. I left the original/unedited photo of the post as it is, but uploaded the edited version in the comments box, just for comparison. Hope there was an easier way to do it the first time, though. Lesson learned. 🙂

Level 9

Halo @Christina-NYC terima kasih. Ini informasi yang bermanfaat untuk saya sebagai pemandu lokal. Salam sukses. Dari Lera76 LG Indonesia 

Level 8

Thank you for the information @Christina-NYC

Bengaluru Local Guide
Level 9

Hi @Christina-NYC. I am trying to post on connect whenever I want to upload the pictures of my trip I can't do.

Please help me in this issue 

This is my screen shots please help me in this issueThis is my screen shots please help me in this issue




Level 8

@Safdarrai  the issue you are having has to do with Connect's image size limit of 3072k and 

your .jpeg file appears to be larger. 


I recommend sharing from your Google Photos if you are backing your images to Google Photos and saving as High Quality to take advantage of the free Storage.


I recently discovered that if I share from Google Photos I no longer have to use Photoshop to reduce the image size.


I hope this helps @Safdarrai


Best Regards,

~ Virginia Benedict 🕊

AKA VBenedict 

Level 7



Not applicable

Hi, @MaulikVirani

You can add videos on Map as usual you add pics there is same procedure

Level 8

@Christina-NYC Thanks for such a infomative information.But google have to add tool like we resize or crop pictures while uploading.That tool will more helpful for us if we got.

Level 7


I have tried to upload video like photo as regularly but i have found video option disabled


Not applicable

Hi, @MaulikVirani

Do you choose Google photo of yes while selecting photos from Google photos selected uploaded videos I think these will available to upload on Map

Level 7

Thanks for the informative post, @Christina-NYC!  Any idea if there are plans to increase the individual image filesize limit?  It's a bit of hassle to resize each photo I take on my Pixel 2 XL before posting it here.

Level 7

I am a liitel bit confused - what is the recommended way to share pictures already published in google maps by myself ? Do I have to upload the picture again ?

Level 7

@ كريستينا-NYC مرحبا كريستينا هل يمكنكم حل مشكلة الصورة أغلب صوري فوق  3mb وشكرا كريستينا

Level 7
Hello, I recently published a post, however I noticed that the images were not properly aligned. So I edited it, saved the changes. However, I am unable to find the post anymore. Could you please help?

Usually,  I do not like the rules..but I will try to obey this guidelines if the Connect ask them!!

Ok..let us start it!

Connect Moderator
Level 7

Seretnek megostani egy par kepet es megtudni hogy a turista utvonalakrol miert nem keszult olyan mint az utcai nezet a googleterkepen hogy mindenki konyen megtalalhason ilen helyeket mint ezek26956156197_d1e555fed6_q.jpg20180429_121614.jpg

Former Google Contributor

Szia @tori71!


Köszönjük a kérdésed.


Amennyiben itt Connecten szeretnél megosztani képet, ebben a cikkben láthatod az instrukciókat.


Ui.: A Google Maps-szel kapcsolatos kérdéseidre válaszoltam az Utcakep posztod alatt. 

Due to the volume of private messages Google Moderators receive, I do not read or respond to private messages. Please post publicly so others may benefit from your discussion. If you require urgent assistance, please tag a Google Moderator. Google Moderator Thank you!

Level 7

I'm finding 3MB to be too small. When I provide a link to a picture stored in OneDrive or Gdrive photos, the tool for making a guide complains the links aren't valid..

Jeff Stokes
Not applicable

No me deja subir ninguna fotografía porque?

Level 7

Because OneDrive photos links are like!Ar9A-AxwCpQ1kZM2WQFph-79mU36Fw


and Google Drive links are like


neither of these are recognized by the 'insert a picture by URL' option.

Jeff Stokes
Level 7

 This is what the error looks like (ironically I can't link it in this tool either)

Jeff Stokes
Level 7

Somewhat ironically, my url is complete according to the spec

Jeff Stokes
Connect Moderator

is this the picture you are talking about @jeffstokes?



It works fine for mee, but you should read carefully the indications given in the post. check out this helpful post

Level 7

Yes, that's one of them.  

Jeff Stokes

I'll post a photo rightnow. Great guidelines. Thankyou @Christina-NYC.

Rishabh Bansal
Connect Moderator

As you can see @jeffstokes

there is a big difference between upload a photo through an URL, and embedding a photo, as indicated here on this  post. While uploading a photo require a valid URL address (e.g. ending with .jpg), and the photo is counted on your quota, embedding a photo means simply give an instruction, in HTML code, to show a picture that is not stored in Local Guides Connect

Level 7

Ah embedding. That's what I was looking for. Thanks. I expected using a url would do the embedding and host the image off-site. Apologies. I'll check out the guide.

Jeff Stokes
Level 10



Thanks for Sharing This very useful Tips for all LGs..

We always face problem, when we attach photos to Post and send on connect..


Regards From Mumbai..

Level 1

Thanks a lot @Christina-NYC it's really helpful to me 🙂

Level 8

Hola buenas madrugadas, una pregunta en este programa de Local Guie ¿cómo puedo agregar fotos al artículo que estoy compartiendo? Sobre todo cuando ya tengo capturadas las imagenes en mí movil.

¡Alguien que me auxilie en este sentido! Por favor, de antemano muchas gracias.

Level 8

Hola buenas madrugadas, ¿cómo agrego fotos en mí publicación? Cuando ya las tengo capturada en mi movil

Level 9
Level 6


Level 7

Thank you for the tips @Christina-NYC  really helped it as a newbie . 

Level 6

Thank you @Christina-NYC for adding the about posting photos in Connect. Very helpful.

Great. Our Local Guides Community is Awesome and we learn something new and helpful every day. Keep sharing thoughts and tips guys. 🙂

Level 8

@Christina-NYC ,


Thanks for sharing the details on this post.

Hope it will be of great help while adding photos to your reviews.

Level 5

ur file size requirement is fukt. If I can't load directly out of my camera LIKE ALL OTHER APPS WHAT GOOD IS IT??????

Level 7

While I sincerely appreciate the guide, the process is tedious enough to me, that I skipped creating my guide. I'm sorry, I have kids, a high-stakes IT job, life stuff, whatever. It's not an easy button to do this, adding a graphic to a web page used to be hard, in the 90s, lets modernize this toolset please.

Jeff Stokes

Nice tips in simple way. Great for new guides

Pawan Singh Baish