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How do I report inappropriate content on Connect?

Google Editor

Caption: A screenshot that shows “Report Inappropriate Content” highlighted on a drop down menu on a Connect article.Caption: A screenshot that shows “Report Inappropriate Content” highlighted on a drop down menu on a Connect article.

Connect is a community forum for Local Guides from all over the world to start conversations, share their experiences, provide feedback, and more. We appreciate your help in keeping Connect a welcoming and helpful place.


If you discover a post that you think violates Local Guides Connect content policies or does not follow the original content guidelines, you can flag it as inappropriate to let us know and a Google Moderator will carefully review it.


To report a post, click the three dots on the left side of the post.

  • Then, click Report Inappropriate Content.
  • On the next screen, explain why you think the post is obscene, offensive, spam, or violates our policies.
  • Click Notify Moderator to submit.   

Google Moderators will review all posts flagged as inappropriate to determine whether they violate any policies. If so, appropriate action will be taken to address the issue.