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Level 10

What can I do to take care of the planet? - 3

This is a question that may pass through many of us and think with my own mind how can I act as a small member of the international community to protect the environment and take care of the planet?

And maybe we think that our actions as a person alone will not leave the ground, and one person's actions as part of the whole will not help to preserve nature, but it's not so!

The UN Environment Program believes that every person, as part of the seven billion people on Earth, can take very effective steps to take care of the Earth's planet through simple and practical steps.

It's just enough to decide what to do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions every day, to prevent energy losses, to cope with the reduction of green space, to take action to reduce waste generation, and to inform our friends and colleagues.

The UN Environment Program has set out ten practical and very simple steps to protect the environment as effective measures to protect the planet, which we all can do with the least effort to implement it and take these 10 steps to others. We also recommend:

3. The UN Environment Program recommends that you do your work from home through the Internet, telephone, and other electronic and communications equipment, and avoid as much as possible the use of unnecessary traffic, especially with your own car. This action will greatly help to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases.

Sick of the office? Skype instead

I will post the another solutions. wait.

Thanks to Colm Gorey
Best Regards

Level 5

Re: What can I do to take care of the planet? - 3

Ciao Rezcar ,nelle piccole cose  già possiamo prenderci cura del nostro pianeta,...riciclare i rifiuti ,non gettare rifiuti sugli argini dei fiumi dopo un picnic,non gettare rifiuti dove ci si trova per non aspettare dove buttarli al sicuro.Utilizzare le isole ecologiche dove portare rifiuti.

Per quanto riguarda ogni consumo derivato da combustioni di carbone petrolio dipende da **####** cercare di utilizzare al minimo queste risorse.

Serena giornata.

Level 10

Re: What can I do to take care of the planet? - 3

Hi @Alessandro47

Thank you for the topics you raised and, of course, we will help each other to save the planet.

Best Regards