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Level 8

Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Nice place Awesome views 


Looking forward to spring, summer and fall.



Level 8

Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Le ladakh kulu manali , this places are very beautiful 


Oh @KarenVChin, you know me so well! I have quite a huge list for my dream places that sometimes I wonder if I ever will be able to visit them in my lifetime. May be I will have to take rebirth to visit these places.


Here goes a short glimpse of my list:

Ladakh, India: I have already visited this place once. But I want to go there again and stay there for at least a week.

New Zealand: not sure why, but this country keeps on calling me all the time. My travel will never end until I visit this land.

Alaska and Colorado, USA: I want to ski there and do rafting and fishing and (the list goes on)

Nepal: I have been to just a small part of Nepal. I never dreamt of conquering the mighty mountain, but I want to do trekking there again. And this time, with full preparation. (Last time I was not well prepared and I fell sick at high altitude)

Spain and Portugal: I want to do backpacking tour. Starting from Lisbon and end the journey in Barcelona by hitchhiking. 

Norway/ Finland: to see the Northern Aurora.

Turkey and Greece: to do hot air balloon, in addition to many other explorations. 

Jordan: to float on the dead sea

Antarctica: for obvious see the igloos and Eskimos. 🙂


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Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo



All great choices. But for Antarctica, there are no igloos or eskimos (that’s Alaska): but plenty of penguins 🐧 and seals. @FaridTDF has provided great insights about Antarctica because he actually lives closest to it than anyone I know here on Connect. Just one of the many great reasons to know Farid!







@SoniaK wrote:

Oh @KarenVChin, you know me so well! I have quite a huge list for my dream places that sometimes I wonder if I ever will be able to visit them in my lifetime. May be I will have to take rebirth to visit these places.


Here goes a short glimpse of my list:

Ladakh, India: I have already visited this place once. But I want to go there again and stay there for at least a week.

New Zealand: not sure why, but this country keeps on calling me all the time. My travel will never end until I visit this land.

Alaska and Colorado, USA: I want to ski there and do rafting and fishing and (the list goes on)

Nepal: I have been to just a small part of Nepal. I never dreamt of conquering the mighty mountain, but I want to do trekking there again. And this time, with full preparation. (Last time I was not well prepared and I fell sick at high altitude)

Spain and Portugal: I want to do backpacking tour. Starting from Lisbon and end the journey in Barcelona by hitchhiking. 

Norway/ Finland: to see the Northern Aurora.

Turkey and Greece: to do hot air balloon, in addition to many other explorations. 

Jordan: to float on the dead sea

Antarctica: for obvious see the igloos and Eskimos. 🙂


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Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Oh yes, @KarenVChin, penguins and seals (how could I forget them, I have been dreaming of going to Antarctica for them as well ever since I have watched Happy Feet Two)


@FaridTDF, I never knew that Argentina had penguins too, until I read Karen's post on you. Even though I am dreaming of going to Antarctica, I doubt I will be able to make it or not. My greatest enemy is the cold. If I can't make it to Antarctica, I will probably end up going to Tierra del Fuego. And you will be my local guide there to help me see the penguins. I remember back in school we had a story on the penguins where the author described the penguins as Gentlemen with blue coat. I want to see those gentlemen from a closer look. 🙂

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Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Eres bien venida ha acer el recorrido por la Antártida @SoniaK, es un poco caro 🙁 pero se puede hacer, saliendo desde Ushuaia el recorrido de 10 días en barco sale aproximadamente U$S 7,000.00 y es en el verano austral, meses desde octubre a marzo. 


Pero no hay que desesperar jajaja 😀 hay muchos lugares aparte de la Antártida en la Tierra del Fuego para visitar, fíjate en los hilos que realice sobre la TDF y podrás ver alguno de ellos.


El pingüino al que te refieres es el pingüino rey que solo está en la Antártida y las Islas Malvinas 🇦🇷 es muy alto y hermoso. Y cuenta con migo para que vis9temos todos esos lugares la Tierra del Fuego es muy hermosa, para mi el mejor lugar del mundo jajaja ☺️, te comparto algunas fotos de por aquí.


Pingüino magallánico en UshuaiaPingüino magallánico en Ushuaia


Cormoranes y lobos marinos en isla NavarinoCormoranes y lobos marinos en isla Navarino


Pingüino cambiando plumaje en migración en Río GrandePingüino cambiando plumaje en migración en Río Grande


Bahía de UshuaiaBahía de Ushuaia






 Saludos Farid



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Level 5

Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Regent In Tahiti .. What a way to goRegent In Tahiti .. What a way to go

Level 8

Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Wow nice place , thanks for posting 

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Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo


S E V E N T H O U S A N D D O L L A R S!!! That's crazily expensive, @FaridTDF. If I can save $7,000 I will probably make a plan for world tour instead. 😛

But your photos are amazing! I hope one day I can go and meet those tiny little gentlemen in blue coat. (I had no idea earlier that penguins were so small) How tall are they usually?

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Re: Post your dream place with an amazing photo

Si es verdad @SoniaK, es un poco caro ir a la Antártida 🇦🇶, pero bien vale cada dólar invertido en belleza, como sea yo también lo estoy pensando antes de gastar toda esa plata jejejej 😬.

los pingüinos en general los hay de varias alturas el más alto de todos es el pingüino rey o imperial mide más o menos un metro 15 cm, los demás son más pequeños.


saludos Farid