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Level 10

London Impression

(British Army)皇家衛兵頭戴熊皮帽身穿紅色制服約有200年的歷史,這頂帽子象徵 大英帝國強盛的軍力。(British Army)皇家衛兵頭戴熊皮帽身穿紅色制服約有200年的歷史,這頂帽子象徵 大英帝國強盛的軍力。


(Red telephone box)經典的紅色電話亭,在倫敦早已成為這個城市的主要 風景線之一,但隨著手機的日漸普及,因而造成越來 越多的電話亭長期處於空置狀態.(Red telephone box)經典的紅色電話亭,在倫敦早已成為這個城市的主要 風景線之一,但隨著手機的日漸普及,因而造成越來 越多的電話亭長期處於空置狀態.


(Double-decker bus)雙層公車起源於英國,其中行走倫敦的紅色雙層公車, 更是英國的「國寶」。(Double-decker bus)雙層公車起源於英國,其中行走倫敦的紅色雙層公車, 更是英國的「國寶」。


(Austin FX3 taxicab)倫敦計程車的歷史非常悠久,也是英國文化的經典符號之一。英國倫敦的計程車司機因態度友好、熟悉路線被評為世界最佳 計程車服務人員。(Austin FX3 taxicab)倫敦計程車的歷史非常悠久,也是英國文化的經典符號之一。英國倫敦的計程車司機因態度友好、熟悉路線被評為世界最佳 計程車服務人員。


Egyptian-themed benches)任何人沿著泰唔士河維多利亞堤岸漫步行走都會注意 到這類華麗埃及異國情調的鑄鐵長椅。Egyptian-themed benches)任何人沿著泰唔士河維多利亞堤岸漫步行走都會注意 到這類華麗埃及異國情調的鑄鐵長椅。


(Yeoman warder)倫敦塔由御用侍從衛士又常被稱為 Beefeater,意指「食牛肉者」)管理,他們既是導遊,又 是保安,本身還是旅遊者的攝影對象。(Yeoman warder)倫敦塔由御用侍從衛士又常被稱為 Beefeater,意指「食牛肉者」)管理,他們既是導遊,又 是保安,本身還是旅遊者的攝影對象。


(Big Ben)倫敦西敏宮北端鐘樓的大報時鐘的暱稱,坐落在 泰晤士河畔也是倫敦的標誌之一。(Big Ben)倫敦西敏宮北端鐘樓的大報時鐘的暱稱,坐落在 泰晤士河畔也是倫敦的標誌之一。


(Tower Bridge)倫敦塔橋有時被誤稱為倫敦橋(London Bridge),其實真正的倫敦橋是 另一座完全不同的橋樑,位於倫敦塔橋的上游。(Tower Bridge)倫敦塔橋有時被誤稱為倫敦橋(London Bridge),其實真正的倫敦橋是 另一座完全不同的橋樑,位於倫敦塔橋的上游。


(The London Eye)又稱為千禧之輪(Millennium Wheel)是世界上首座、也曾經是世界最大 的觀景摩天輪。(The London Eye)又稱為千禧之輪(Millennium Wheel)是世界上首座、也曾經是世界最大 的觀景摩天輪。



London, 英國
Former Google Contributor

Re: London Impression

Hey @Bonjourtaiwan


You were lucky enough to find double deckers, traditional taxi and red phone cabs, as they are gradually disappearing in all United Kingdom and also in London. Have you tried to make the Royal guards smile? Do you know that they are trained not to show any emotions in public? 

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Level 10

Re: London Impression

Great photos @Bonjourtaiwan!

 I really love this city! 

Many years ago I chose it as the first capital to visit alone .... beautiful experience, in the middle of the Oasis band! 


Thanks for sharing with us!




Former Google Contributor

Re: London Impression

Hey @davidhyno


Was it 1996? Those were the best years for "Brit rock" in my opinion. What do you think?

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Level 10

Re: London Impression

Hi @Sorbe! How are you?

Yes...1995 to be precise, in the height of "Wonderwall"! So in the apex of the britpop! Musically speaking for me there are three periods: end of the 80s with the first synth-pop band and new wave (also for Italy-disco too!), first decade of 1990 with the brit-pop and first 5 years of 2000 with the trip- hop, nu metal (especially the first Prodigy, Radiohead and Coldplay albums) .... now anything that comes out already knows something already heard .... so sad! 


And your musical tastes Sorbe? And yours @Bonjourtaiwan ? 

What do you listen to now and which group / singer do you regret?


Former Google Contributor

Re: London Impression

Can't believe you mentioned this three periods @davidhyno,


I think we lived in two parallel words! Oasis were the soundtrack of my teenage years, I saw Prodigy and Coldplay in concert ( the second one in Wembley Stadium) and nowadays I am quite into Kasabian, but I think that they already gave their best to be honest. 

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Level 10

Re: London Impression

Dear @davidhyno

thanks for sharing.

In my time, I like the angelic voice of the British carpenter brothers and sisters. For the rock band, it should be the Queen's band.

Level 10

Re: London Impression

Ha ha ... maybe it is about the age we dear @Sorbe ! We were lucky to live those years! Unfortunately I could not (yet) see the Prodigy in concert, but in compensation last year I saw the Depeche Mode in concert for the fifteenth time! 😉 

Former Google Contributor

Re: London Impression

Hey @Bonjourtaiwan


If I had a time machine that will be the concert that I would definitely want to attend. Have you ever got the chance to see them live? 

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Level 10

Re: London Impression

Thanks @Bonjourtaiwan for your reply!

The Carpenters....I will try to listen to some of their songs at home! I'm always looking for songs that give some kind of emotions!

Thanks again!!


