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Level 8

Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

Hello everyone 2019 has arrived on behalf of @ErmesT and myself @DavidTito #LocalGuides Clean The World is in motion, We hope you enjoyed your new years Christmas break..... So much lays ahead for #LocalGuides Clean The World-2019 program and still plenty of work to do around the world. We hope many are still with us and many will join in the journey with us during this season. I am Proud to say your My map is doing well and %100 looking great please view some of the stats below here:

“10,025 views,74 articles, 24 Polygons, 43 Youtube videos, 22 animations, and 1 meet-up walk”

These are amazing statistics I more than gather these numbers will multiply as we journey through the great days to come of 2019. So it's good to see you all here and I leave you just a couple short videos to help inspire your next post,


And just a few Tips when where out shopping just a quick video 



Thank you, everyone, I look forward to hearing from everyone and there great [Recap]s, feedback or comments in the Clean The World Program 


Thanks kindly My maps master @DavidTito



Perth WA, Australia
Level 10

Re: Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

Hello David, Local Guides Clean The World is an extraordinary movements that will definitely have a huge impact, since the first time @ErmesT told me personally.

We also haven't stopped in Batu City. Some future plans have been scheduled, every Sunday we continue to move in all directions of the city. We also have an Education Camp plan for college students (last year we held for students and scouts), which we will collaborate with related tourism and service agents. Hopefully this plan can be realized.

Level 8

Re: Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

Thank you @DavidTito, beautiful welcome for this new year with this presentation, videos and tips.

Thanks @ErmesT for the idea and the launch of this incredible and viable project, it is real ...

For @br14n and her community, I do not give more names because there are many and this is a very good thing in all this.

I wish the best to all the Local Family Guides who clean the world for the commitment they have assumed in this issue and continue to do so.

May this family continue to grow, because there is a deep feeling that unites them and that can be seen and felt. I also thank you as part of the beneficiary community. Let the hands continue to multiply by the strength of being Local Guides and what this means.

Being local guides is an honor and pride.


Level 8

Re: Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

@br14n  Thank you, I appreciate your feedback, I have been  watching you and  your group on Facebook and Google+

please keep your stories coming we always interested to here and so many smiles their wonderful people  you all 

Level 8

Re: Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

@LuaPL  your decretive words, in my opinion, speak for everyone there without a doubt..@br14n  your family of local guides on one side and @RiverDefender  family of local guides on there other. I can say this Earth would be feeling much better than before clear in my mind  

Level 10

Re: Introduction to #LocalGuides Clean The World 2019

Terima kasih bro @DavidTito sudah menandai saya dalam rantai percakapan ini. Langkah kami di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia akan terus bergerak. Saya senang mendapat kabar rencana besar 2019 dari Bro @br14n di Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.

Kami terus mengajak pemerintah, dunia usaha, akademisi, komunitas dan media. 

Yang kami lakukan semoga membawa dampak baik untuk semesta  beserta isinya.


Kita butuh dukungan organisasi dan masyarakat global, nasional dan lokal.


