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Level 10

Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

0 Sabers Pungli 0.JPG


Time rolled towards 7:30 a.m., when environmentalists gathered at the Junrejo Sector Police Station. This morning, Sunday, February 10, 2019, we will carry out environmental awareness movements around the Predator Fun Park.
Together with the Tlekung Village community, there were several communities supporting the Sabers Pungli activity :
Office of the Environment Office
Office of Tourism and Culture
Junrejo Sector Police
Junrejo Military Command
PKK Junrejo
Batu Local Guides
Baskomas Malang Raya
Focus of Batu Police
Kampung Lumbung Hotel
Golden Tulip Hotel
Predator Fun Park
Health Battalion
Air Defense Artillery
Hotel and Restaurant Association
Tlekung Farmer Women Group
Kaliwatu Rafting

This morning's activity was to sweep the advertising banners that were stuck in the trees, and to clean up the garbage in the drainage channel. After being briefed by the Sabers Pungli coordinator, all participants moved along the Tlekung highway. The sticks and banner stuck were wiped out. The garbage that clogs the flow of water is dredged, put into sacks, and loaded into garbage trucks. At some point, the community of Tlekung village volunteered to provide hot drinks and cakes for the participants of this activity. This is a manifestation of community harmony that still exists till today.

After the cleaning activities were finished, the event continued with a meal together in the courtyard of the Baitul Ma'mur Mosque. While enjoying the meal, participants were invited to discuss about environmental issues that occurred in Tlekung Village and Batu City. Guided by coordinator Sabers Pungli who is also a member of the Batu Local Guides community, Mad Berlin, some activists expressed their opinions, including the Tlekung Village Chief, Junrejo Military Commander, representatives of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association, and also Predator Fun Park representatives.

The event was closed with a photo together in front of the entrance gate of Predator Fun Park. As a surprise, the management of Predator Fun Park invited participants of the Sabers Pungli movement to enter the tourist area of ​​Predator Fun Park for free.

1 Apel Sabers Pungli.jpg


2 Aksi Sabers Pungli.jpg




predator fun park, Jalan Raya Tlekung, Junrejo, Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Level 7

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

A social movement that can unite several elements that exist together to overcome the problem of plastic waste that pollutes river rivers in the Batu City. Keep moving, networking, collaborating and creating

Level 9

Bls: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Sabers Pungli semakin lama semakin berkualitas dan berkelas,sudah kesepakatan kita bahwa plastik adalah musuh kita maka semua kegiatan sabers pungli benar benar anti plastik,kedepan peserta dihimbau untuk bawa karung dari rumah,bawa tempat minum,bawa kaos tangan,dan peralatan makanan dari daun.semoga gerakan ini semakin menyentuh seluruh penjuru masyarakat Kota Batu 

Level 9

Bls: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Level 5

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Sebuah kegiatan sosial yang bisa memberikan pengaruh besar kepada lingkungan yang ada, semoga bisa menjadi suatu motivasi untuk masyarakat sekitar

Level 8

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Sabers pungli semakin ruarr biasa semangatnya...

Level 8

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Sabers pungli semakin rruar biasa semangatnya...

Level 10

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

Semangat Mengalir Luar Biasa

Level 7

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park









Level 6

Re: Environmental Movements That Happened Around Predator Park

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