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Level 8

[REQUEST][NEW CATEGORY]: ["Zigarettenautomat"]

Hey Team,


please add the category "Zigarettenautomat". The translation would be "Cigarette vending machine" or "Cigarette Machine". Right now one has to label them "Zigarrengeschäft" what equals to "Cigare shop" or "Cigar dealer".


If you don't like to sign out cigarette vending machines, just give us "Vending machine". Would be "Automat" or "Ver- und Gebrauchsmittelautomat" (what would be like "Vending machine for articles of daily use").

This could be used for gum vending machines, jewlery vending machines, gold vending machines, etc etc etc too.


I'd pointed that issues out in the "Request suggest new Category" posting - which I still think would be the better solution on the farsight. One could cap the ability to sugest new categories to certain level to prevent abuse.


Best regards


Level 8

Re: [REQUEST][NEW CATEGORY]: ["Zigarettenautomat"]

Hi Pete,
As your request is related to Maps, please also submit your request to the Maps Team by giving feedback in the Maps App.

Your request is an interesting one, as one response would be: "not everything is mappable". Like mailboxes are not mappable, for example. Vending machines are also not mappable under the current rules, except some exceptions.


For example, ATM's are an exception, specifically mentioned as such by Google with the rule that there should be a phone-number for customer-service and details of the operating bank. It would be great to have a  link to the list of all the vending machines that are an exception to the general rule that vending machines are not to be mapped (see this post). 


Please be aware that your "workaround" to add cigaret vending machines by using a shop category instead is not allowed, even if your edits get (initially) accepted by Google.


In all the places that I have seen a cigaret vending machine being operated, it always required a staff member of the bar/venue to activate the machine, as by law cigarettes are not for sale to young people in many countries. Of course, this is specific to this product and not applicable to your other examples, like bubble/chewing gum.


Happy mapping!



Level 8

Re: [REQUEST][NEW CATEGORY]: ["Zigarettenautomat"]

Hey @JeroenM,


thanks for the information. Unfortunatly I'm not sure what to do with it.

Does it solve or enlighten the request for cirgar Vending machine category in German? 😉


I'm (pretty successfuly) adding official post Boxes, cigar Vending Machines and other automated stuff that people DO need. I'm in good trust into the system, that it will sort out uninteresting stuff (which vending machines surely ARE NOT) if I try to add them.


To conclude on: I barely have the time to support the world / Google with quality content AND search for lists that (propably) frequently change and ain't possible to be honored fully anyway. If there are prohibitions on what to request, then google has to think of ways, how to spread such lists to the users. Demanding the users to search (and find) them is not a real / fair option.


Level 8

Re: [REQUEST][NEW CATEGORY]: ["Zigarettenautomat"]



Members of the Local Guides Team and other Googlers, do monitor this forum, so let's hope they take note of your comment and help us out with better information.