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Connect Moderator

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

Ante todo, siempre es necesario respetar toda ley que exista, de cualquier cosa @ShafiulB, te pido disculpas por mi ignorancia 😌, pero te consulto, supongamos 🙄 que yo soy un turista que visita tu pais, que va caminando por una calle peatonal y saca fotos con su móvil a los negocios o frutas o lo que sea que ve mientras camina, eso está prohibido ?? en estos momentos. Ya que si ese es el caso,ñcomo un turista puede registrar que fue a tu pais ?


Turista sacando fotos...Turista sacando fotos...


Saludos Farid

Level 7

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

Sorry to ask @ZubairC, but I do not understand well how Local Guides are in danger or violate the law.

The concrete question is:


Anyone can take a photo to the front of a business and / or


A person can ask the owner of a business what are the opening and closing times of their business to place them in Google Maps and / or


So other basic questions of what a Local Guides does.



Greetings Farid  (translated from google)

Level 9

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

@RabiulHasan if digital security law 2018 imposes, no one can take any information from any place before their permission. 

Level 7

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

I think it's a good practice to take a permission before take any information  from the  owner. I always asked for permit when I take a photo, and mentioned that I used for it contribution. And explained how this helping other and the owner also, if they give me permission then I submit. 


Sometimes people added Military base photo and it's very dangerous practice for a country!  


প্রতিটি জায়গার তথ্য দেয়ার ব্যাপারে মালিকের অনুমতি নেয়ার অভ্যাস থাকা চমৎকার ব্যাপার। সরকারী, আধা সরকারী প্রতিষ্ঠানে কনফিডেনসিয়াল অনেক ব্যাপার থাকে যেগুলো বাইরে প্রকাশিত হওয়া পরোক্ষভাবে রাষ্ট্রের জন্য ক্ষতিকর। আর সবচেয়ে বড় ব্যাপার হচ্ছে গুগল ম্যাপের সহজলভ্যতার কারণে এখানে অনেকে সহজে সবকিছু যুক্ত করে দিতে পারে। আপনি বা আমি হয়তো জেনে বুঝে জায়গার তথ্য যুক্ত করব কিন্তু বাকি অনেকে আছেন যারা না জেনে না বুঝে রাষ্ট্র স্বার্থ পরিপন্থী কিংবা,ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য লংঘন করে থাকে।


আশা করি বুঝতে পেরেছেন!

Level 9

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

@RabiulHasan You are not wrong. At the same time what should we do as a part of LG community is also a concern. 


There are a lot of information in millions of place created by us before implementation of such law and those information cannot be treated as breaking the new law. 


Thereafter the community leaders should come up with a solution followed by a discussion.



Level 7

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

In Bangladesh situation, you know nobody will care what you done before. So I think our previous contribution will not effect by law. But Everyone should have follow the local law! And I think this is not that necessary to take a picture of and government office  inside. 

Level 7

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide



In this situation, most pictures taken before the date and official release / changes to local law with the new Digital security law can't be touched.


Unfortunately, some could be flagged for removal if deemed a breach in new security measures and protocols to protect government and country ( similar to why no one can take photo's around a TSA checkpoint ).


We will just have to wait and see what happens.


Furthermore, in this day and age any photos of places ( including the inside ) can be used unfortunately by criminal scum to plan and execute burglaries. This is why some places do not allow photo's and I completely agree with their choice.


Anyway as said before, all local guides should respect the wishes of those they are trying to obtain photos from and at their businesses and if they do not wish for photo's to be taken then that is that and move on.

Level 10

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

@FaridTDFUse the translator

Level 10

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

@JeroenMThe person hosting the meetup is the one who usually pays

Connect Moderator

Re: Local Law vs Local Guide

Hola @WaweruM, no te preocupes por el idioma en que escribe un Local Guides, Connect, es responsivo y se adapta al idioma que tu marqués, fíjate en la figura y setea el idioma que tu hablas y el traductor lo traducirá directamente por ti.
