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Level 5

Google Maps For Safe Migration

Migration has been happening since time immemorial.And it is our duty to ensure people who migrate can do it safely especially labor migrants, undocumented workers, asylum seekers and refugees. With the immense over load of information on google of services available to those in need, it is a challenge to ensure that those in need are able to get the precise service for specific needs as soon as possible at the exact location in the safest way possible. Among the possible services could be access to soup kitchens, visa processing centers, shelters , medical services , budget lodges, counseling services, anti-trafficking rescue agencies, safe recruiters, UN bodies, local charities, places of workshop ,legal aid, cultural meeting places and many others. Perhaps even highlighting on the map safe zones vs dangerous zones which are of high risk. With that, we can ensure migrants and refuges have a special Google Map for them which highlights in a special way, including language and tech accessibility incorporated into the maps. We will also need to collect meta data/big data in real time to analyze where people who are most vulnerable are located so we too can reach out to them strategically and accurately.And at the same time, we can develope data engines to hunt down traffickers and smugglers.
