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Level 5

Re: Forever Not Applied.

Very strange perhaps there are too many edits for them to check everything 

Level 8

Re: Not applied

I can only check information. Edits are not possible, everything is (immediately) rejected. OK I have times to add business times.

But is almost always rejected. If I am already in the process of checking a POI I can also follow the homepage of the company. But if everything is rejected immediately.
Because it is so no fun anymore, I'll probably take some time. (I'm not a spamer)
Perhaps the system will go back in a few years.


Greetings Ulrich

Level 10

Re: Forever Not Applied.

Hey @Briggs i have been following your dairy on this thread.

And just wanted to say i feel your pain brother.😦

As the late great Michael Jackson said in one of his songs "I know your not alone"😀

And Tupac song "keep ya head up"😉



Level 9

Can't add a new place in Google maps

Hi all,


I'm trying to add a new Restaurant.

It's called Eastern Express Fastfood Restaurant.

They have no website. They are located on Bornsesteeg 24 Wageningen (Netherlands)


But the system won't let me, I expect because there is also an Eastern Express (delivery) in the same town.


I just made some nice pano's of their Restaurant, but can't add them.


Any ideas on how to get them on the map?




Xander Berkenhagen

Level 8

Re: Can't add a new place in Google maps

Hi @BredereblikF,


For "system wont let you" add the place, do you mean Maps rejected your input (such that the Add process is not finished), or the Edit is rejected after the submission?



Level 9

Re: Can't add a new place in Google maps

Hi SampsonF, it says NOT APPLIED, place creation.

I tried to add the place with the owners acoount. Same result.

Level 8

Adding missing place

I cant make an important place in my location. I try it 4/5 times but not approved . It is a new hospital for delivery. suggest me, how I add it?

Level 6

Re: Adding missing place

I also can't create new massing place

Level 8

Re: Adding missing place

Hi @TuhinSir,


First of all, please check:


1.  All the Facts in your edits are valid

2.  All the Facts in your edits are entered in the correct format


If your valid and correct edits still got rejected, then please see this response from our Google Moderators regarding why even perfect edits can got rejected.

Connect Moderator

Sorry, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Not Applied

Hi All,

I just suggested a change to the Location Marker for the historical building in the Lost City of Petra, known as The Treasury (Al-Khazneh), a building made famous in the Last Crusade movie by Indiana Jones. Well I visited The Treasury in June this year and took many photos. I know exactly where it is physically in relation to the overall site of Petra and in particular, to the physical location to the Siq (canyon or gorge) that leads to it. From this I strongly believe that the current Location Marker shown on Google Maps is way off. However, notwithstanding the evidence that I have, my suggested change to the Location Marker resulted in an immediate "Not Applied", thus immediately rejected. I don't believe that I'm wrong!!! Just wondering if there might be some other reason for this refusal to accept that the current location shown on Google Maps is wrong, what a kick in the guts!!!