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Level 9

Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

Rekan-rekan Local Guide Indonesia, mari kita belajar bersama untuk pengaturan waktu yaitu jam buka dan jam tutup suatu tempat. Ada beberapa tempat jam buka benar namun jam tutup salah, contoh yang salah: buka pagi jam 07:00 (tutup malam jam 9:00). yang benar adalah buka pagi jam 07:00 dan tutup malam jam 21:00.  ingat! Hitungan waktu Di google Maps Sebagai berikut: (1) siang-malam dari jam 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00 dan seterusnya sampai jam 00:00 malam. (2). Pagi-siang dari jam 01:00, 02:00, 03:00, 04:00, 05:00 dan seterusnya sampai jam 12:00 siang. Catatan: rekan-rekan mohon edit jam buka dan jam tutup suatu lokasi bila ditemukan jam yang salah. Terimakasih atas perhatian bersama. 

Sorong, Kota Sorong, Papua Barat, Indonesia
Level 6

Re: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

I really like your camping picture. We do a lot of that where I live in Canada. Where I live in Northern Ontario( a Province, NOT a State) and in Canada( NOT the USA) and if you check out where I live, I am surrounded by wilderness and forests all around and freshwater lakes! You should come to Canada. Our summers are hot but not as HOT as India was this summer!

Level 9

Re: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

Hallo @ChristyFromCanada terima kasih, anda mau jelaskan tentang situasi di tempat anda. Lebih baik lagi anda ceritakan tentang tempat anda dilampiri foto. Terus berkontribusi. Salam

Level 6

Re: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

Hello Lera, Hello from Canada! It is in the last days of summer here and, because we live a fair distance to the North, it is getting dark, much earlier. Every morning, the sun comes up later and it sets sooner in the evening. Our days are getting shorter! In the winter it sets at 4pm! It is getting dark when the children are walking home from school, sometimes in minus 15 to minus 20 in the heart of winter here in February, a long way off yet. Most children who go to Elementary school( grades 1 to 8, take buses to and from school because the live outside of the town here.

Espanola has less than 5000 people in it. This town has one major industry and that is our big Paper mill! It is a specialty papermill. It makes everythinh from bandaids to glossy magazine paper to newsprint. It you see all the forests surrounding Espanola you can see why we produce paper and there is also a sawmill outside of town that produces tons of twoX4 s for building houses. We export a lot of paper and lumber. As well as those products, Canada sells wheat and soybeans and other stuff too.

Oh about the schools in town, we also have. aHighschool which is grades 9 to 12. And most of those students are bussed to school. Spaces are vast enough that it is not uncommon for students to spend an hour, one ay to and from school. Lots of them get home after dark in later Autumn. October, November, December, February and March. April starts to warm up and by the end of May, we can plant our gardens because the soil has warmed up. But some years it is a short summer and by the end of August some of the maple trees have some of their leaves turning red. In October or even earlier in September the broadleafed trees are turning yellow and some, orange and our maple trees turn red. The autumn is so beautiful, with sunny bright days but they are shorter and our nights grow longer and colder. Last winter we had minus 30 at night. We have a forced air gas furnace that comes on automatically to keep the house warm day and night. February is " the HEART of Winter here and all the lakes freeze! Ice fishermen go out on the frozen lakes and many have their own home made ice fishing shccks that people pull out on top of 3 to 4 feet of frozen ice on these lakes and they fish for trout, Pike, and Pickerel. Lots of families count on this "free" food! There are a lot of hunters who kill deer for meat, toowell, that's more than too much said by e.

But, you said you were interested!?

Level 9

Re: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

Hallo @ChristyFromCanada terimakasih telah berbagi cerita tentang tempat kamu. Saya melihat cukup menarik dan layak dikunjungi oleh para pendu Local yang ada di canada. Sebaiknya anda posting ceritakan tempat dilampiri foto. Anda foto tempat-tempat dan aktivitas menarik untuk publik secara informatif. Terus berkontribusi kawan. Salam damai 

Level 10

Bls: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat


Betul sekali saya sering edit jam buka tutup banyak sekali yang seperti tsb diatas terutama di tempat2 luar kota,walaupun maksud nya dimengerti tapi ada bagus nya rekan2 tetap memeriksa dan mengedit nya supaya terbiasa dengan hal2 yang semestinya.

Level 9

Bls: Jam buka dan Jam tutup suatu Tempat

Hallo @Riekaem123 jam buka dan jam tutup suatu tempat sangat diperlukan orang banyak. Ada beberapa tempat publik yang jam tutupnya salah makanya para pengunjung banyak yang kecewa karena data di Google Maps dan fakta di lapangan beda. Terima kasih sudah sharing disini 
