zweryfikowane informacje


Czy ktoś orientuje się za co przyznawane są punkty “zweryfikowane informacje” dla lokalnych przewodników

Z góry dziękuję.


Hi @Paw123

Welcome in Connect.

Please read Points, levels, and badging . In there you will find a lot of details about how the points are attributed.

In case of Fact checking, you will receive one point for every verified information


Thank you. I did not found this Information…


Hola @Paw123 como dice @ErmesT ve a tu perfil, debajo de la línea que marca tu nivel y puntaje, encontrarás en azul “Más Información” clikeala y se desplegará la información por la que preguntas.

Disculpa Ermest mi intromisión. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Saludos desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:

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Thanks. I know my point from this category, but important question is: how to get new point? What should I exactly to do? Best regards


Está bien, @CAAG1959 , muchas gracias por ayudarme.

Thanks for explaining better your question, @Paw123

Check the fact has been changed a couple of months ago, as you can read in An update on “Check the facts” and “Discover missing info” .

Check the Fact is available only on mobile.

To find it you have to tap on contribute and scroll down the page

Also now you cannot select the area. The question are generated automatically based on the place where you are.

In there you will be asked to confirm, or deny, information about the status of some business around you


In Contibution is something called “Verified information” in the factographer’s plaques and to get another plaque you need to verify the appropriate amount, but I don’t know where to find it? How can I find information that requires verification on maps? I have some verified information but to be honest I don’t even know how I got it.

I would like to add that if I go to “Your contribution” and choose “check information”, these verifications are not included in " Verified information


As you can read in An update on “Check the facts” and “Discover missing info” “We have also removed the “Discover missing info” feature from the Google Maps app. For those of you who are less familiar with it, this was a map view that showed several places with outstanding questions for users to answer.”

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