Zimski dan uz rijeku Dravu, Varaždin/Hrvatska

Rijeka Drava, Varaždin/Hrvatska

Jedan sasvim običan zimski dan uz rijeku Dravu…

Ne previše hladan, (čak topli oko 15 stupnjeva Celzija).

Dosta oblačan, tmuran, siv i pomalo maglovit.

Dan bez sunca, pomalo i depresivan…

Ali… Jedan prekrasan prizor privukao mi je pažnju.

Dva labuda, crni i bijeli.

Stari i mladi, vjerojatno mama i dijete :innocent: :wink:


Nadam se da vam se sviđaju.

Obožavam prirodu, obožavam rijeku Dravu.

I zimi i ljeti i u proljeće i u jesen. Sjajno mjesto za odmor, rekreaciju, uživanje…

Jedva čekam ljeto!!!

A vi ??? Volite li više zimu ili ljeto? Bilo bi zanimljivo čuti vaše komentare…


@OlgaKlimchik @Sophia_Cambodia @PattyBlack @Stephanie_OWL @Ewaade_3A @TravellerG @plavarda @CAAG1959

:blush: :croatia:


Hola @renata1 hermosa fotografía, tenés razón, se ven uno más viejo que el otro.

Prefiero el verano, sin dudas, si bien el invierno acá en Uruguay, rara vez la temperatura baja el 0 grado, en verano disfruto mucho más.

Mi Balneario favorito La Paloma en el Departamento de Rocha.

Saludos cordiales desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:


River Drava in Karazdin,Croatia,and you @renata1 are a better than usual winter scene.Beautyful mother and baby swan picture.The temperature was mild at that time,is that the reason those two swans were swiming so quiet?


Ciao @renata1 , bella foto. Io preferisco come @CAAG1959 l’estate. Ma anch’io ho una domanda per te :slightly_smiling_face: . Sai da dove nasce il fiume Drava? :slightly_smiling_face: Ma dall’Italia naturalmente!!!




Hallo @renata1

Ein wunderbares Schwanen Bild! Toll!

Ich bevorzuge Frühling und Herbst!

Beide Jahreszeiten haben etwas lebendiges, ich liebe den Wechsel. Die darin enthaltene Aufbruchstimmung.

Im Frühling, wenn die Natur erwacht fühle ich mich lebendiger als sonst, alles beginnt zu blühen, der Frühling duftet so herrlich.

Der Herbst hat seine eigene Magie, auch hier regieren Düfte. Jeder Laubbaum der sein Laub abwirft riecht anders, manche süßlich, einmal einer nach einem Hauch von Zimt, ein anderes Mal torfig.

Die Farbenpracht ist ein Wunder der Natur.

In beiden Jahreszeiten ist Motorrad fahren ein Genuss! Nicht zu heiß und nicht zu kalt.

Aber wenn ich nur zwischen Sommer und Winter wählen könnte, so wäre es der Sommer.

Ich komme mit Hitze nicht gut zurecht, meine Wohlfühltemperatur endet bei 25 Grad :rofl:

Dieser Winter ist jedoch vergleichsweise mild. Im Dezember 15 Grad, ungewöhnlich.

Klar, die aktuelle Woche nicht, derzeit haben wir - 7, aber so wird es ja zum Glück nicht bleiben.


Hi @renata1 Thisphoto is stunning! The contrast between the black and white swans is beautiful. It looks like they are swimming in perfect harmony. It’s a simply lovely photo! As a photography hobby, I can click photos of nature in any season. SoI prefer any season. Important is to go out and enjoy :smiley: . Thanks for sharing.


Hvala vam na komentaru @CAAG1959

Lijepe fotografije plaže.

Živite li uz more?

:blush: :croatia:


So kind of you to share these photos with us, dear friend @renata1 .

Both the swans are cute…

The posing of both the swans are really nice - captured well.

Firstly, let me ask you a question… When the water freezes, what will the swans do? Sorry…

“… Do you prefer winter or summer?..”

It depends… If I’m in London (with my daughter), then I like summer; if I’m in India, I like winter.

Can you imagine… In India many places hit 45 degrees (or even more).

But in Bangalore, where we stay currently, we get temperatures below 27 degrees, usually (say, 15 to 27). We use Air conditioner for March, April and May.

Winter - This is the hillstation Yercaud, where we have another villa and used to stay here for long time, before Covid.

Hope you will like this photo.

I hope our @Stephanie_OWL , @IamJoseFelixAranda @CAAG1959 will like this shot.


Hi friend, @CAAG1959

I liked the photo - Sea with the ship.

Warm hugs, dear…

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Hello my dear friend @plavarda

Is it from Toblach?

I read it in Google… Is it right? @renata1

MMore details?


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Hi friend… @Stephanie_OWL

You mentioned :

“… I prefer spring and autumn!..”

We (South India) have tropical climate and we don’t experience 4 climate changes. Almost short summer and short winter… Plus rainy months…

Oh… Do you ride motor bikes? I loved bikes a lot… Unfortunately, by my corporate policy, I’m not allowed to ride bikes.

“… we currently have - 7,…”

That is too low… Right?

Greetings from Bangalore, India


Corretto amico mio @TravellerG e più esattamente dalla località Prato alla Drava. E’ ben strana questa località, idrograficamente (il metodo riconosciuto per tracciare i confini tra gli Stati) apparterrebbe all’Austria. Infatti a Dobbiaco c’è lo spartiacque tra il bacino che porta l’acqua verso il mar Adriatico (di conseguenza Italia) e il Bacino che porta l’acqua verso il fiume Danubio, di cui il fiume Drava è un affluente, per poi gettarsi nel mar Nero in Romania dopo aver attraversato 10 Stati europei. Prova immaginare due gocce d’acqua sullo spartiacque di Dobbiaco, una farà circa 500 km per giungere nel mare Adriatico, l’altra caduta due centimetri più in là ne farà più di 2000 per raggiungere il Mar Nero!

Che bello studiare la geografia!!

Un forte abbraccio


PS: Il confine è stato tracciato così dopo la prima guerra mondiale. Ovviamente è stato motivo di scontri e malcontento da parte degli abitanti del luogo che sono chiaramente di origini austriache e ancora oggi, dopo 100 anni, sentono ovviamente questo forte legame con l’Austria. La politica segna confini che nelle foto dallo spazio non esistono!


@renata1 . Amiga ojalá viviera aquí todo el año, vivo en Montevideo a unos trescientos kilómetros. Muy cerca, quinientos metros, de la costa del Río de La Plata, " el río ancho como mar ", pero me gusta más el Océano Atlántico donde saqué las fotos.

Saludos desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:


Gracias querido amigo @TravellerG . Hace casi sesenta años que veraneo en La Paloma, un balneario oceánico del Departamento de Rocha. Ese barco traslada las “defensas Yokohama” para evitar roces cuando un barco se amadrina (se pone junto) a otro, o atraca en algún puerto.

Gracias por tu comentario.

Saludos cordiales desde Uruguay :uruguay: :uruguay: :uruguay:


I like the shot @TravellerG @renata1 @CAAG1959 @plavarda @Rohan10 .Summer in London and winter in India is intelligence talk,my friends.


Hvala @IamJoseFelixAranda

Drago mi je da vam se sviđa.

Inače labudovi ostaju cijelu zimu ovdje, bilo da je zima blaga ili hladna od - 15 stupnjeva Celzija.

Navikli su…

:blush: :croatia:

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Hvala vam @plavarda

Naravno da znam da Drava izvire u Italiji :muscle: :wink: :rofl:

:blush: :croatia:

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Wow… How beautifully you have explained it - thanks so much.

“… How nice to study geography!!..”

Well… When it is explained by experts like you, dear @plavarda , yes, geography is interesting…

“… Politics marks boundaries that don’t exist in photos from space!..”

That is absolutely right - very meaningful statement - fully agree with you.

Thank you once again…

Very warm hugs…


My dear friend @CAAG1959

I got your points…

Thanks for your feedback.

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I am, like our @Stephanie_OWL , higher temperatures above 27 & below 16 degrees are very uncomfortable for me.

When I went to “Top of Europe”, I had to pack me in 4 layer clothing.

That way, Bangalore (India) is very good - we have a very moderate climate - very rarely temperature goes beyond 18 to 30 degrees.

Greetings from Bangalore, India… Dear friend @IamJoseFelixAranda .

Best wishes too.
