Hi Nana’
Thanks for sharing the picture with us. We love to hear from you bit more on the dish. Appreciate if you could give details like, where you had it, which restaurant you went, why is it so special etc etc.
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Thanks & Regards
Okay, thank you
Hi @user_not_found
and welcome to Connect,
It looks yummy, thanks for sharing.
Would you like to tell a bit more about the dish? Are these kind of noodles traditional in Indonesia?
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Hi @user_not_found
I’m so happy to see another Local Guide that is interested in food just as much as me. The Indonesian cuisine is definitely one of my favorites and I couldn’t have tried it if it wasn’t for my dear fellow moderator @AngieYC . Have you met her? She’s from Medan and is an amazing chef. With her help I have tried many delicious Indonesian dishes, but I don’t think that I haven’t tasted Mie tek tek, so just like @aaryesdee and @Petra_M , I’m very interested to find out more about this dish. Would you please describe it for us?
Hello @KlaudiyaG ,
Thank you for tagging and the kind words, this will be my first time meeting @user_not_found
salam kenal ya.
Mie tek tek is one of my night time snack back home, I know it’s not good to eat this dish that late but you won’t be able to resist, especially when you are hungry. There is one, street vendor that sells this dish near my home and it’s one of the best.
Answering some of the curious questions about this dish, it’s basically fried noodles with different toppings from eggs, chicken even meatballs.
Ooo, that sounds like a delicious Indonesian comfort food and for me that is the best kind of food there is. Thank you @AngieYC for the detailed information.
, do you have any other favorite dishes that you would like to share with us?
Hi @KlaudiyaG @aaryesdee @Petra_M it is like what @AngieYC said; fried noodles with different toppings from eggs, chicken even meatballs. And it is a very cheap one. In my city(Jambi) it only costs around 15.000 rupiahs ($1). Visit Indonesia and try this yummy tek-tek! Hehe
Btw I am a newbie in local guides. I hope your guidance my seniorsss
Hi @user_not_found
Wah, nemu postingan orang Kalimantan. Ada juga ternyata local guide dari Kalimantan, salam kenal ya.
Foto mie tek tek-nya menggiurkan buat dicoba, tempat buat makannya dimana ya? Siapa tau besok-besok bisa mampir buat nyoba mie tek-teknya, dan info juga harga seporsi-nya berapa?
Hi Lian, salam kenal juga:)
Aku bukan dari Kalimantan hehe dari Sumatera. Wah, di Kalimantan juga ada mie tek tek? Kalo di Jambi, harga mie tek-tek berkisar antara 10-15 rb. Kalau di Kalimantan berapa?
Hi Lian @liantokate salam kenal juga:
Aku bukan dari Kalimantan hehe dari Sumatera. Wah, di Kalimantan juga ada mie tek tek? Kalo di Jambi, harga mie tek-tek berkisar antara 10-15 rb. Kalau di Kalimantan berapa?