we are local guides have to take photo any time , any we’re
For that we have to carry our camera always . But we must know that our mobile phone can be useas DSLR . There are many hidden feature in our phone that we are unaware about it .
Thatsway I have bring one best tip .
shutter delay or lag is a characteristic phenomenon associated with a digital camera. When using a digital camera you may have noticed that there is a delay between the moment you press the shutter button until the camera actually takes the photo. In most cases, this delay is small enough and not noticeable but when taking action or sports photos and trying to capture a fast-moving object this delay became significant and can result in a photo that just missed the action.
Shutter lag time can be frustrating because that short amount of time may lead to the subject became out of the frame or the picture became blurry. It is a much common problem with compact digital cameras as well as phone cameras. Modern DSLRs suffer far less with this problem, but some small traces of lag time can sometimes be noticed.
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