This sign calls on me to give him answers to his profile.
The profile of Auchan Atrium (Ajaccio) Center Commercial Atrium, 20167 Sarrola-Carcopino on Google has been suspended as suspicious activity has been reported.
How to help him …
I should work for them and take a 360 virtual tour.
@AVISTA360 I can’t see an Auchan there as POI on the map. On the 360 images uploaded on the shopping center I can see that there is indeed an Auchan, but there’s no POI for it (even not when specifically searching for it). Do you mean this was somehow removed as there was reported abuse?
Anyway, as @MortenCopenhagen already mentioned, this is most likely something that needs to be looked into by the GMB team, not the Local Guides team.
One more thing which is quite important here on the forum: if you want to make sure that another Connect user sees a reply you give, make sure to ‘tag’ them by typing the ‘@’ symbol and then select that user from the list (or start typing the name if there is no list).
@AVISTA360 , as clearly indicated by @MortenCopenhagen , this is an inquiry that should be addressed to Google My Business not to Local Guides Connect.
Are you managing the Business Listing? If not, you should ask to the owner of the Business Listing to contact Google My Business.