Mall photos challenge
Who wants to meet at the Walden Galleria mall in Cheektowaga my and take pics for the mall challenge?
Mall photos challenge
Who wants to meet at the Walden Galleria mall in Cheektowaga my and take pics for the mall challenge?
Hi @Pretty1 and welcome to Connect!
Before posting, I suggest you check the “Please read: Posting in” each board: General Discussion, Travel and Advice, Let’s Meet-Up, Photos and Discoveries and Photography. If you are interested on knowing about how you can create a Meet-Up, please read this post. In there you will find everything you need to get started. For more tips on hosting a Meet-Up you can find in this topic.
Since you are new in Connect, I recommend going through the Local Guides Rules and How to use Connect where you will find a lot of useful tips. But first, please take a moment to introduce yourself to community. As an extra tips, I would suggest you to Search the community before posting as the same subject can be already being discussed.
Hope that this was helpful!