Your City's Mall Photo Challenge: Who's in?

Mall photos challenge

Who wants to meet at the Walden Galleria mall in Cheektowaga my and take pics for the mall challenge?

Hi @Pretty1 and welcome to Connect!

Before posting, I suggest you check the “Please read: Posting in” each board: General Discussion, Travel and Advice, Let’s Meet-Up, Photos and Discoveries and Photography. If you are interested on knowing about how you can create a Meet-Up, please read this post. In there you will find everything you need to get started. For more tips on hosting a Meet-Up you can find in this topic.

Since you are new in Connect, I recommend going through the Local Guides Rules and How to use Connect where you will find a lot of useful tips. But first, please take a moment to introduce yourself to community. As an extra tips, I would suggest you to Search the community before posting as the same subject can be already being discussed.

Hope that this was helpful!

