For me being part of the community of Local Guides means being connected with people from all over the world, knowing that wherever you go you can find some corner of the city or a landscape or a hidden photo that one of the local guides recommends that you visit and that even the people who live and who pass near that place, perhaps it is unknown for them. It means to know that if you ask something about a place before you even visit it, you will receive the answer from a fellow Local guide. That you want to prepare a surprise dinner for your partner but you do not know if the place you have chosen makes reservations … ask and they will answer you. Is this the best place to celebrate your best friend’s surprise birthday? Ask and they will answer you. It never fails.
And it is not only that, you can find photography, comments and reviews about the place you want to travel to, it allows you to organize your trip even without having been there, obtaining accurate information on topics that may seem insignificant to some but important to you. Do they serve gluten free food at the Eiffel tower? Is this restaurant near the Louvre suitable and quiet for a romantic dinner? Just ask, they will know it.